Newbury Weekly News

West Berkshire infection rate one of lowest in the country


WEST Berkshire has one of the lowest Covid-19 infection rates in the country.

The latest figures show the district’s seven-day infection rate stands at 53.6 cases per 100,000 people, after 85 new cases.

In England, only Torbay, Cornwall and Isles of Scilly, Dorset, the Isle of Wight and Wirral have lower infection rates (as of December 8).

West Berkshire Council’s head of public health Matt Pearce told a meeting of West Berkshire Council’s Local Outbreak Control Board on Monday: “It’s significan­tly lower than in all the other local authoritie­s across Berkshire.

“Clearly, it’s significan­tly lower than Slough [in Tier 3] and the average for the South East, which is 144.5 cases per 100,000.

“I think it’s clearly down to the good work of all the West Berkshire residents in terms of complying with the guidance and we’re seeing that in the data now.”

The seven-day infection rate in the district has dropped significan­tly since November 14, when it peaked at 128.1 cases per 100,000.

But people in West Berkshire have been living under Tier 2 (high alert) rules since the four-week national lockdown ended on December 2.

That’s because the Government introduced a tougher tier system and decided to impose Berkshire-wide restrictio­ns (with the exception of Slough).

However, local leaders are hoping West Berkshire will return to Tier 1 (medium alert) in time for Christmas, as the Government will review the restrictio­ns on December 16.

According to council leader Lynne Doherty (Con, Speen), the Government could consider relaxing the restrictio­ns if there is a “sustained” drop in case numbers and the infection rate.

It will also take into account the pressure on local hospitals, the percentage of tests that are positive and the infection rate among over 60s.

The latest figures show the seven-day infection rate (27.3 cases per 100,000) for people over 60 remains relatively low.

Continued on page 8

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