Newbury Weekly News

Jail sentence for underage sex

Girl was 14 when 19-year-old, now 21, slept with her

- Report by JOHN GARVEY email john.garvey@newburynew­ twitter @johng_nwn

A YOUNG man has been jailed after a teenage relationsh­ip came to light.

Defendant Anthony Beechey looked the judge in the eye and said: “I understand, sir,” as he was told he was going to prison.

Simon Walters, prosecutin­g, told Reading Crown Court on Friday that, while this was not a case of grooming by a sexual predator, the girl had been 14 years old and Mr Beechey aged 19 when they slept together.

He said: “It is fair to say that she has not supported this prosecutio­n.

“This was reported by her mother.

“I acknowledg­e that this is a very sad case on a number of levels.

“It is not a case of abuse... it is not a case of grooming.”

Mr Walters said the relationsh­ip between the girl and her mother had completely broken down after she reported what had happened to police.

When officers went to Mr Beechey’s home in St George’s Avenue, Newbury, to arrest him they seized his mobile phone and other devices which made it clear that the pair had had sex.

They also found numerous photograph­s of the girl – who cannot be identified – in sexual poses.

Mr Beechey admitted engaging in penetrativ­e sexual activity with an underage girl and making indecent images of a child.

His barrister, Miss Jones, who declined to provide a first name, said: “This is a young man who, even on the face of the mother’s evidence, came across as young for his age.

“He was a very young 19; he has never been in any trouble before.

“He takes full responsibi­lity... this is not a man who has a proclivity for young girls.”

Ms Jones referred to a presentenc­e report, but Judge Dugdale said nothing he had heard or read could avert “what I must now do”.

Turning to Mr Beechey, who is now aged 21, he said: “I note what people say about children growing up so much faster these days... it doesn’t alter the fact that someone of 14 remains a child.

“She was a child. And, unfortunat­ely, very susceptibl­e to damage if involved in significan­t sexual relations at such a young age.

“This has caused irreparabl­e damage to her relationsh­ip with her mother and significan­t damage to her for life, however she feels about it now.”

Mr Beechey was jailed for 28 months and ordered to sign the Sex Offenders Register for five years.

This has caused irreparabl­e damage to her relationsh­ip with her mother and significan­t damage to her for life, however she feels about it now

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