Newbury Weekly News

It’s no way to behave in a council meeting


I HAVE never seen such disgracefu­l and arrogant behaviour in a council meeting as that shown by the ruling Conservati­ves at full council on Thursday evening.

Despite there being over 50 members of the public viewing the online meeting, the eye rolling, snide comments and unsubstant­iated attacks, especially on the Green members, was frankly shocking.

Even the chairman struggled to keep control.

Their treatment of democracy is also disgracefu­l – not answering public questions properly or even giving misleading answers.

They repeatedly suggest that Sport England is fully supportive of their actions in closing the football

ground and yet provide no evidence to back this up.

It’s as though they are channellin­g Donald Trump – someone it wouldn’t surprise me if many of them have an admiration for.

They spend council tax money like it is coming from a magic money tree – with almost £1m already spent on what is becoming their vanity project in the London Road Industrial Estate, with a further £500,000 minimum planned. Spending money as if it’s their own – I correct that, as if it was their own they would take much greater care of it.

To say they are being as careless with taxpayers’ money as they’ve always suggested Jeremy Corbyn would be is an insult to Jeremy Corbyn.

They are behaving as if they hadn’t just been given a lesson in the last elections in 2019, removing their 40-plus seat majority down to just five.

I look forward to when the electorate gets its next say on their record.


Liberal Democrat, East Fields Newbury Town Council

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