Newbury Weekly News

Vote for any party other than the Conservati­ves

Stunning pictures of dawn and sunsets across the district

- Report by SARAH BOSLEY sarah.bosley@newburynew­

ON May 6 it is likely elections will take place across the UK.

This day will herald the start of the greatest movement in British politics. It is the day the people of the UK can start the process of removing Conservati­ve and Unionists from every position of power across the land.

And even though our only local vote is for a police and crime commission­er, you can play a much bigger role in this national imperative.

Fellow readers of the NWN will have friends and family the length and breadth of this once free and liberal land, and it is your duty to encourage them to vote ABC – Anything But Conservati­ve.

Please make a difference, phone, email or write to all everybody you know urging them to organise locally and ensure their friends and family tick the box on their ballot paper for any other party than a Conservati­ve candidate.

If they dither or feel any loyalty to Tories remind them of a few simple facts.

£280bn of debt incurred supporting a flawed and chaotic response to a health emergency. The largest debt in peace time ever in British history.

Tens of thousands of care home residents mercilessl­y killed through Tory incompeten­ce.

Millions of children’s lives ruined and their educationa­l chances destroyed by Tory ministers.

Billions siphoned off to Tory friends and donors while hundreds of thousands of businesses went bust. Laws enacted that trampled over the freedom of British people: Tories criminalis­ing the hugging of your loved ones and leaving people to die afraid and alone in hospitals or alone at home. The calculated destructio­n of the hospitalit­y and pub industry by Tory policy.

And finally, when they stand in the polling booth on May 6 just remind them this isn’t over.

The unlock plan is not guaranteed to end in June.

Their freedoms are not guaranteed to be returned now or next winter or the winter after.

The only way this will end is if we show political parties that they do not have a licence to rule over us, but that they work for us.

By routing the repugnant Tories from every part of our political the system we shout that message so they will all hear our voice.

A zero Conservati­ve future is possible – get on the phone, on email and on

Zoom, and let’s make it happen.


Bartlemy Road


THANK you to everyone who sent us in a photograph of the spectacula­r sunrises and sunsets seen across the district last week. The recent rise in temperatur­e meant that an area of low pressure ‘feeding’ winds from the Canaries brought Saharan dust to the UK, which led to beautiful, brightlyco­loured sunrises and sunsets. According to the Met Office, the Saharan dust reaches our shores because strong winds whip the sand high into the sky and, if the winds in the upper part of the atmosphere are blowing north, the dust can be carried as far as the UK.

Here are a selection of readers’ photograph­s from across West Berkshire.

THE funeral cortege of the late Jack Williams will pass through the streets of Hungerford on Wednesday, March 10, for the townsfolk to pay him their last respects.

Mr Williams – affectiona­tely known as ‘Mr Hungerford’ – died, aged 92, on Thursday, February 25.

His was a life devoted to public service and on Monday, an online, full meeting of Hungerford Town Council observed a minute’s silence to remember a true civic stalwart and former town mayor.

The current town mayor, Helen Simpson, told the meeting: “I’ve been asked to read the eulogy at the funeral, which is slightly daunting, but a huge honour and privilege.”

She said she had sought input from residents and conceded it would be a challenge to distill “a whole lifetime of experience” into a few minutes.

Meanwhile, the neighbourh­ood police team said in a statement to the town council meeting: “It is with great sadness that we heard of the passing of Jack Williams.

“Jack was known to the longerserv­ing members of the Hungerford team who have great memories of times spent with him listening to stories of days gone by and his knowledge of Hungerford was second to none. Rest in peace Jack.”

Coronaviru­s restrictio­ns will mean the crowds that would otherwise have been expected to attend the funeral will be unable to do so.

Instead, the hearse will drive past the town hall at noon and then turn into Church Street on the way to St Lawrence Church.

Mrs Simpson said: “We would encourage people to pay their respects in Church Street, where possible.”

Mr Williams’ links with the local fire service go back decades and firefighte­rs will turn out to pay their respects.

Last Post will be sounded outside the church in recognitio­n of Mr Williams’ service to the Royal British Legion.

Funeral director Neale Marney will accompany the cortege on foot, representi­ng the people of the town.

Mrs Simpson said: “There were lots of people who expressed a wish to walk alongside the cortege.

“The family was concerned that this could put people at risk of breaking coronaviru­s restrictio­ns so Neale will do it on their behalf.

“We’d respectful­ly ask people not to huddle in groups. The police will be there to ensure safe distancing.”

The church service is expected to take place between 12.30pm and 1pm and then the cortege will proceed at walking pace past The Bear Hotel.

Mr Williams is survived by his two children and four grandchild­ren.

 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Samantha Schrijver sent in the picture above of West Fields last Thursday and, right, Winterbour­ne in the mist, sent in by Mary Baylis
Samantha Schrijver sent in the picture above of West Fields last Thursday and, right, Winterbour­ne in the mist, sent in by Mary Baylis
 ??  ?? The sun rises over the Kennet and Avon Canal in Newbury, by NWN photograph­er Phil Cannings
The sun rises over the Kennet and Avon Canal in Newbury, by NWN photograph­er Phil Cannings
 ??  ?? Samantha Schrijver’s stunning shot of sunrise in West Fields
Samantha Schrijver’s stunning shot of sunrise in West Fields
 ??  ?? David Wingate’s picture of sunset over West Berks
David Wingate’s picture of sunset over West Berks
 ??  ?? A Thatcham sunrise, courtesy of Julie Meagrow
A Thatcham sunrise, courtesy of Julie Meagrow
 ??  ?? Jack Williams
Jack Williams

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