Newbury Weekly News

Pleased this will be heard in court of law


LAST week’s decision by the High Court to allow a judicial review into West Berkshire Council’s (WBC) plans around Monks Lane Sports Hub highlight the serious nature of the situation and I for one am very pleased these events will now be reviewed in a court of law, rather than the kangaroo court of WBC executive committee meetings.

To recap this debacle:

2015: WBC announced plans to close and demolish Faraday Road football stadium.

2016: WBC announced they had no obligation to replace the football stadium and indeed would not replace it.

2018: WBC evicted the local football team and closed the football stadium to fulfil an obligation to its property developmen­t partner St Modwen. 2018: The developmen­t agreement with St Modwen was found to be unlawful by the Royal Court of Appeal and subsequent­ly scrapped.

2018-2022: WBC set about systematic­ally destroying the football stadium.

2019: WBC admitted they did have a legal obligation to replace Faraday Road football stadium and set about looking for alternativ­es.

2020: Monks Lane was identified as a replacemen­t football ground 2021: A planning applicatio­n was submitted for Monks Lane, but realising it was too small to meet the planning criteria of ‘like for like’ replacemen­t, WBC made a last minute change to the applicatio­n to submit it as not a replacemen­t for Faraday Road. WBC then awarded itself planning approval for Monks Lane as a standalone pitch, not a replacemen­t for Faraday Road.

Within 24 hours of awarding itself planning approval for Monks Lane, West Berks executive voted to spend £3.51m on building

Monks Lane as a replacemen­t for Faraday Road.

Of the five Conservati­ves that voted to approve the planning applicatio­n as a stand alone pitch, three of them sat on the executive committee that the very next day voted to spend £3.51m as a replacemen­t.

Furthermor­e, from 2018 to the current day WBC have flat out refused to allow any organised children’s football at Faraday Road.

What a disgracefu­l, despicable and outrageous way for our elected officials to behave.

Councillor­s MacKinnon, Woollaston and Doherty, along with the rest of the executive cabal should be ashamed of themselves and totally embarrasse­d about their actions.

I am sure the judicial review will prove their shameful actions once and for all



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