Newbury Weekly News

Save our dog park group grows

Councillor confident of relocation if Memorial Fields exercise area is lost to flood plans


THE potential loss of an enclosed dog exercise area has generated some attention in Thatcham.

The amenity on the Thatcham Memorial Fields could be lost to flood alleviatio­n works which may take place in 2024 – subject to a planning applicatio­n.

A Facebook group has since emerged called ‘Save our Dog Park’ and its numbers are quickly growing.

Group founder Sharon Munday said she had not realised how many people enjoyed the enclosed space and was shocked at the amount of interest her group has generated.

Miss Munday has been taking her 10-month-old puppy Monty, a cross between a Border collie and Labrador, to the fields since May as it is the closest space to her home with a dog exercise park.

Monty is a rescue dog and doesn’t have great recall, making the space important for her family who wish to run around with him in a safe space.

“Because he is a rescue, he is not socialised,” Miss Munday said.

“He didn’t know the world outside of kennels.

“A friend told us about the dog park. When I found it, it was great because we could let

him off his lead.

“His recall is terrible. We don’t know if he will ever have it.”

She said: “We use the space a lot for training because we have a small garden at home.”

Other dog owners have shared their experience­s with the enclosed space, saying it has helped their dogs, some of which are nervous or aggressive, to socialise and make new friends.

Miss Munday said the space was also essential in teaching children about dog safety, allowing dogs to play without a lead and keeping the animals away from those who may be scared.

She said: “For some dogs being

on a lead makes them feel restricted. It’s important for dogs who grew up in the lockdown and weren’t socialised.

“It’s also important for so many people who are scared of dogs. I am a dog owner but I would not want someone else’s dog reaching up to me.”

She added: “It is also important for my son, who is 11, as he just wants to throw a ball and have the dog catch it. In this space he can fling the ball around to his heart’s content.”

As well as creating her online group, Miss Munday has contacted the Newbury MP Laura Farris as well as Thatcham Town Council and the Thatcham Memorial Foundation.

The Thatcham Memorial Foundation has said it does not intend to relocate the amenity anywhere else on the playing field.

It did make a request to West Berkshire Council’s countrysid­e department and to Thatcham Town Council to look at installing a similar facility on council-owned public open space elsewhere in the town.

Town councillor Mark Lillycrop (Lib Dem, Thatcham West) said he was keen to find another space for the dog exercise area and was confident one would be found. The councillor had also used the space for his late rescue dog Alfie. “I have always valued this space as well. I used to have a dog, we used to take him there to let him off his lead as he had real trouble with recall,” he said.

He said he has been in contact with West Berkshire Council in finding another location.

He also will be open for discussion at a Thatcham Town Council meeting.

He said: “With recent events things have been pushed back, but it will definitely come up.

“The meeting agendas are always published in advance and we welcome members of the public to share their views.”

Mr Lillycrop, who is also a member of the Thatcham Flood Forum, said it was important to stress the benefit the scheme would have should there be a repeat of the 2007 Thatcham floods.

I have always valued this space as well. I used to have a dog, we used to take him there to let him off his lead as he had real trouble with recall

 ?? ?? Save our Dog Park members at Thatcham Memorial Fields
Save our Dog Park members at Thatcham Memorial Fields

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