Newbury Weekly News

Proud of action Lib Dem leadership has taken


IN response to Richard Garvie’s letter (Newbury Weekly News, April 11), I’m glad to hear that the motion which I recently brought to council about pets as prizes has gained traction. It should, not least because animal welfare is an issue which I hope everyone can get behind.

Indeed, the motion gained cross-party support, from councillor­s across the political spectrum, who said they were encouraged this was an issue the Liberal Democrat administra­tion is taking seriously.

Who knows – we may even see similar motions coming before council in the future, not just from the Liberal Democrats, but other councillor­s alike.

Like Mr Garvie, I too accept there are other pressing issues facing West Berkshire Council.

Indeed, I said as much when bringing my motion to the last full council meeting.

Which is why I’m proud of the action that this administra­tion has taken since the Liberal Democrats took control of West Berkshire Council in May last year.

Whether that’s swift and robust action to stabilise the dire financial situation which the previous Conservati­ve administra­tion left us with; reopening the newly revamped Newbury Lido; returning football to Faraday Road; reducing the green bin charge; bringing Thames Water before the scrutiny committee to justify their record on sewage discharges; or increased funding for our vulnerable children and adults; the Liberal Democrats are doing all we can to provide services we’re all proud of, whilst tackling the climate emergency and ensuring our communitie­s have a strong local voice.

It’s easy for Mr Garvie to criticise us as ‘do nothing’ district councillor­s. And as he is not an elected councillor himself, I understand that he may not appreciate the work which goes into running a council with limited resources. But I would ask that he reflects on his choice of words.

Given the difficult economic times in which all councils (and individual­s) currently find themselves, his deliberate­ly provocativ­e statements are not helpful.

If Mr Garvie has any comments or suggestion­s which he feels would assist, I know that my Liberal Democrat colleagues and I would be only too happy to hear them; I know that councillor Jeff Brooks, the acting leader of council, does correspond with him – there are ways to make points to us and not just via the letters page.


Liberal Democrat councillor for Thatcham West ward

West Berkshire Council

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