North Wales Weekly News

Six-month ordeal after car smashed into shop


was 75% damaged. But the surgeon was very good and sewed them back on. I still can’t lift heavy weights though.

“It will be impossible to open in January, but I hope it will be by the end of February.

“We hope our customers stay loyal to us. The sup- port we have had has been very good. A lot of people have asked us when we are opening, but we could still lose our livelihood when the Co-Op opens.”

Mark Callaghan of Kings Builders, who are carrying out the work at the shop, said the repairs should be finished by mid-February. They will also install a new motorised shutter.

In July’s crash, the car demolished a wall and slammed into the shutters on the front of the shop.

The impact was so great that the building “shook” and woke the startled family.

Glass and debris were strewn inside the shop and across the road.

In August, Philip John Davies, 26, of Conwy Road, Llandudno Junction, pleaded guilty at Llandudno Magistrate­s Court to driving with excess alcohol.

Magistrate Rod Bowden told Davies he was “very, very lucky” that nobody was seriously injured or even killed.

Davies was banned from the road for two years and put on a year’s community order with 40 hours of unpaid work and 14 sessions of a drinkimpai­red driver’s course. He was ordered to pay £145 costs.

 ??  ?? Ashok Patel and family (inset) and shop wrecked by
drink driver
Ashok Patel and family (inset) and shop wrecked by drink driver

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