North Wales Weekly News

‘Row’ over beach consultati­on


PLANS for a consultati­on of only two days on the future of a major beach do not do justice to one of the biggest decisions in Llandudno’s history, says a campaign group.

Members of Restore Our Beach say the proposed consultati­on is inadequate and has not yet been democratic­ally voted for by the Llandudno Coastal Forum, the body tasked with finding a suitable solution to flood management on the town’s North Shore.

Protesters have been calling for the beach to be restored to its former state since the council’s “emergency” flood measures saw thousands of tons of rocks dumped there last year.

As plans to present alternativ­es to the public draw closer, supporters of Restore Our Beach believe the consultati­on period should reflect the importance of the decision at hand.

Alison Shields said: “It’s simple - we just want what’s right. If that means we have to spend more time on it and revisit it, then so be it.”

The latest draft minutes from a meeting of the forum state that a two-day consultati­on has been agreed, but Restore Our Beach say there was no formal vote on the proposal at the meeting.

Public comments on the Restore Our Beach Facebook page showed almost unanimous support for a longer consultati­on in which the public could have their say.

Ms Shields said: “We have put it out to the public because the discussion belongs to the public.

“We believe it should be longer. It’s one of the biggest decisions the town will ever make.”

The Llandudno Coastal Forum was started after a public meeting of 800 people in which council officers were quizzed about the emergency measures taken on North Shore.

The role of the group is to develop proposals on future beach defences and put them forward for public examinatio­n.

The forum will debate the planned public consultati­on at tonight’s meeting in Llandudno, which will also discuss the cost of the feasibilit­y study and access to the beach while the decision on beach defences is being made.

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