North Wales Weekly News

Calling all crafters to the club!


OUR fortnightl­y crafts feature goes into our weekly newspapers across Gwynedd, Anglesey and Conwy, and this week we’ve been chatting to the members of Conwy Knitting and Craft Club.

“My grandma and mum taught me to craft as a child. At the moment I’m knitting myself a long jacket in brown and shades of blue, and I’m also currently working with my mum to make my wedding dress,” said Denise, the club organiser.

“I taught myself crochet from youtube videos and an amigurumi book,” said club member Amy. Her favourite item? “Fingerless gloves/ mitts, because I wear them all the time! My favourite craft is probably painting, but I need to have a full day free. I find yarn-based crafts are easier to pick up for the evening and put down at bedtime.”

Linda siad: “My favourite craft is knitting and I’m working on practising my sock knitting and really enjoying having a go at intarsia and cross stitch. I like the social interactio­n and I would like to teach my grandchild­ren to knit too.”

Jo said: “I have been crocheting since roughly November 2014. I had one lesson in a pop-in shop and the rest is down to Denise. As I am new to crafting I have only made a couple of purses and my big handle bag. At the moment I have started crocheting a top in pink for the summer, this one hopefully!”

The club meets every other Tuesday (next meeting is June 30), from 5.30pm to 7pm at Conwy Library. It’s free to join/meet, and all sorts of crafters are welcome.

The group has a wonderful atmosphere were they share patterns, ideas, hints and tips. In the past they have had mini intros to crafts such as découpage, jewellery making and spinning.

To find out more, either turn up to the next meeting or contact Denise on 07747 080901, email denise@ or search for Conwy Knitting & Craft Club on Facebook.

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