North Wales Weekly News

My passions, loves and art


IAM a young artist from a quiet village in the mountains above Bethesda.

My artwork expresses my passions in life, my loves and my hates. Twinkle & Gloom touches upon many themes including femininity, body image, childhood memories and fears.

I like to create a world, the world is pink and lovely but there is darkness there too, it can be quite morbid at times.

There is a lot of humour hidden in my pieces too, my girls are always a little bit miserable, but it’s all tongue in cheek, I think you have to be on the same wavelength to find the laughs in there.

In some ways I also think of Twinkle & Gloom as a brand, I create jewellery and other items from the images I create.

Most recently I have been creating small-scale diorama pieces, tiny worlds encapsulat­ed in pendants. I love creating these miniscule pieces because they feel so precious.

Creativity has always been in my blood; art was my favourite class at school, and I chose to continue studying Art and Design at Coleg Menai.

I studied there for four years before braving the world of self-employment. My theory was the sooner I start the more time I have to achieve my dream.

My artwork has been lucky enough to travel to London in group college exhibition­s as well as local exhibition­s, it’s been featured on S4C in 2013 and 2014, and more recently my artwork has been featured in a collectors edition of Alice in Wonderland.

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