North Wales Weekly News

Inadequate running of NHS


IHAVE recently completed my third week as an Assembly Member and I am really enjoying the challenge.

It is a very important phase in the Welsh Assembly at the moment with the Education Qualificat­ions Bill and Environmen­t and Sustainabi­lity Bills soon to become law and all that entails for the people of Wales.

However, the main issue is the woefully inadequate way that the Welsh Labour Government has been running the NHS across Wales.

I have called on the Health Minister to hold a full independen­t review into the matter as I think it is high time that the delivery of the NHS in Wales was the subject of real scrutiny. However, I was told no. I was shocked and appalled at the damning report on the care at the now closed Tawel Fan, mental health ward at Ysbyty Glan Clwyd, Bodelwydda­n, which led to BCUHB being placed in special measures.

The NHS is a vital service for the people of North Wales and like many others I have had occasion to use it and received first class treatment and we owe it to our frontline hard working king staff to hold a completely pletely independen­t review. w.

A review would rececognis­e the excell- lence and the fail- ings in our health service and I really don’t understand why the Welsh Government is refusing to go down this route.

This is clearly is the answer and would go a long way to restore the e confidence in the he Welsh NHS.

As an Assembly mbly Member for North Wales I feel extremely privileged when I am driving round the area as I have the opportunit­y to get out about in a part of the country I chose to return to and set up home and a business.

As I drive through areas of outstandin­g natural beauty in North Wales I am constantly reminded of the impo importance of my s h a d o w minist ministeria­l role for the Envi Environmen­t and Sustain tainabilit­y.

We do live in a lo lovely part of the world with countrysid­e, beaches a and the sea and I will be doing my utmost to make sure that the views of the people in North W Wales are represen sented in the Welsh Ass Assembly. Ple Please don’t hesitate to con contact me at my constituen­cy office in Denbigh on 01745 81334581 if I can help you with any issues.


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