Nottingham Post

Masseur, 61, denies three sex assaults



A WOMAN claimed in court that she was groped by a deaf and partially blind masseur while he gave her a free birthday session.

The incident happened in the Sherwood home of Derek Aitcheson, 61, where he had certificat­es on the wall and a massage room upstairs, Nottingham Crown Court heard.

The couple initially met after sharing a dance in a city bar, said Sarah Knight, prosecutin­g. He handed his business card to the woman, who found it in her handbag the next day. They began to swap texts.

“He said that he gave free birthday massages to his clients. He sent her a text to say he would offer to give her a birthday massage,” Miss Knight told a jury of eight women and four men.

After the pair arranged to meet at a Tesco shop, they went to Aitcheson’s house in Archdale Road in May last year. She saw his certificat­es and filled in a form covering personal details and allergies.

The woman told the court that she stripped to her knickers after he handed her a dressing gown. He put towels over her breasts and bottom after she got onto the massage table.

She said: “I was on my back. He put relaxing music on, he did use oils and he started massaging my arms. It made me feel pretty relaxed, I didn’t suspect anything at all, to be honest.

“He started massaging my legs. He started going a bit too far, he went a bit far up my thighs.

“He then started touching places where he should not be touching. He climbed onto the table,” said the woman, who told the court that he touched her sexually.

She said she got off the table, hurriedly dressed and ran downstairs as Aitcheson thrust a comments book at her.

The woman said: “I wrote it was very relaxing but I just wanted to get out of the house as quickly as possible.”

Miss Knight asked: “Did you give any indication you wanted a sexual experience of any kind?”

She replied: “No, it was the last thing on my mind.”

The court heard that she went to her mother’s home but was too embarrasse­d to talk about it.

Later, she discussed it with a friend, who said it was a sexual assault.

She sent Aitcheson a text, telling him: “My friend said you sexually assaulted me.” He replied: “I never sex with my customers.”

A later message from him said: “Next time you come for Swedish massage without sexual I promise.”

Aitcheson pleads not guilty to three counts of sexual assault. The case continues.

Judge Timothy Spencer QC told the jury that Aitcheson had been “profoundly deaf since birth and partially sighted since the age of 29”.

Two sign language experts are helping Aitcheson follow the trial.

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Travellers on the Sandiacre recreation ground

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