Nottingham Post

Betting ‘fun’ stopped for me 71 years ago


AT present with TV showing lots of sports programmes, we are bombarded with betting shop ads. One advises that “When the fun stops, stop.”

I personally took this advice many years ago. In 1947 to be exact. I was working for the North Midland District Army HQ. My office was in a bedroom of a house in The Park, the ground floor occupied by Land Registry. One of the men in Land Registry acted as a bookie’s runner - strictly illegal at the time.

I soon got tired of losing my shilling each way. I’ve never visited a betting shop. It’s a very good thing there is a move to restrict stake on machines.

Joan Beacroft Middlebeck Drive

Arnold kitchen chair that was normally priced at £69 but was reduced in the sale to £45.

I was told by the store that as item was now priced below £50, a delivery charge would be payable on top of the clearance sale price -even though it is the store that had reduced the price below the threshold (for delivery costs) in the first place.

I think readers should beware of this type of rip-off.

Brian George Armstrong Road

Nottingham month in hospital with scarlet fever. The question of how my parents met the bills has only recently crossed my mind.

As to when the service became entirely free is complicate­d in my experience, as I have a couple of doctor’s bills dated 1947 and 1948. They were submitted to my mum living on Malt Street in Gotham at the time by the majestical­ly named Dr Maynard Gerrard M.B, B.CH, F.R.C.S. for Profession­al Attendance, etc. America. It came as no surprise that Barack Obama was there but it surprised me to find that Amber Rudd was there.

I had always assumed that she was promoted merely because she was a woman in a male-dominated cabinet. Now I realise why she is a fanatic Remainer, as the European Union is part of the “New World Order”. T Woodward Harrison Court Bingham

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