Nottingham Post

Seth, 7, meets woman who helped to save him


A Seven-year-old boy who was not breathing when he was born 14 weeks early has met the 999 call handler who helped save his life.

Seth Butland was born in Edwinstowe when his mum, Liz Butland, went into early labour and her aunt called 999 for urgent help.

Weighing just 1lb 15oz at birth, Seth is now a healthy young boy thanks to the support of 999 call handler Dawn Jennings.

Seven years on, Seth has finally met the woman who helped his mum through labour and then helped to save his life.

Seth’s mum Liz, 33, said: “I’ve never forgotten the guidance and support Dawn gave us over the phone, and I don’t think I ever will.”

Liz, who lives in Pembrokesh­ire, had been visiting her aunt, Dorcas, in Nottingham back in October 2010 for a final holiday before her first baby arrived.

However, on the afternoon of October 28, Liz went into a very fast labour and her aunt franticall­y called 999 for assistance.

Dawn Jennings, a 999 call handler for East Midlands Ambulance Service (EMAS) at the time, talked both Liz and Dorcas through the labour.

“I went to lie down on the bed and suddenly I felt something, and realised Seth was crowning. My aunt called 999 and Dawn talked her through how to deliver the baby. But he wasn’t breathing when he was born, so Dawn then talked my aunt through cardio pulmonary resuscitat­ion and mouth to mouth. It was one of the scariest moments of my life, but having Dawn on the end of the phone made me stronger.”

The ambulance arrived four minutes after Seth was born.

Liz added: “Thanks to that first guidance and interactio­n from Dawn, Seth is a very happy, amazing seven-year-old boy.”

Dawn said that in her two years with EMAS she helped to deliver four babies over the phone.

She said: “That phone call sticks in my mind - the baby was very early and Dorcas was quite panicky. It was a scary situation.”

Seth spent four months in hospital after he was born but he is now healthy.

The ambulance crew members were Joanne Clarke, Dean Farmer, Carl Keeble and Mark Caudwell.

 ??  ?? Seth Butler in hospital after his birth and, left, as he is today and, right, with call handler Dawn Jennings
Seth Butler in hospital after his birth and, left, as he is today and, right, with call handler Dawn Jennings
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