Nottingham Post

Victim of robbers was wrong man



A MAN who repeatedly punched a stranger on his door step in Radcliffeo­n-trent had actually got the wrong address, a court heard.

Kirk Gregory and an unknown accomplice were wearing high-visibility jackets when they knocked on his door.

When the householde­r answered, Gregory thumped him and said “where’s the money?”, following this up with three more punches.

The other man shouted “there’s somebody coming”, before the two men ran off to Darren Fewkes in a getaway van.

Gregory and Fewkes were caught after police recovered CCTV of them at a Wollaton garage 25 minutes earlier. The third man remains at large.

At Nottingham Crown Court, the pair pleaded guilty to assault with intent to rob and each received a sentence of four years.

Judge Sarah Buckingham said the victim was left so scared he moved into a hotel with his family.

“He was scared they would come back,” she said.

“They knew where his home was.”

He has since been diagnosed with depression and anxiety, saying in a statement “it has changed my life massively”.

The man had been work- ing from home when he answered the door at 10.10am on February 1 last year.

The high-visibility jackets the men wore were used in order to ensure the victim opened the door, said the judge, and “it was a tactical decision”.

She treated the incident as a joint venture, where they were equally culpable, but said “whatever planning that went into this was extremely clumsy”.

Gregory’s barrister, Balraj Bhatia, said “they simply got the wrong address, the wrong descriptio­n.

“He was not the intended victim,” he added. “His understand­ing was a legitimate debt was owed. He expected to get £4,000 to £5,000”.

Aged 33 and of Rowan Gardens, Bulwell, he has 26 conviction­s for 86 offences including theft, burglary and robbing a petrol station and producing a cosh.

But since 2011 he had “turned his life around”, said Mr Bhatia.

He got involved in this crime to make some quick money to modify an existing property for his mother. Fewkes, 29, of Forsythia Gardens, Lenton, had a less serious criminal record than Gregory.

Representi­ng him, solicitor-advocate Steve Ramsell said his client was the driver, stayed in the vehicle and did not take part in the violence.

“It was a lift to and from the location,” he said.

Whatever planning that went into this was extremely clumsy. Judge Sarah Buckingham

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