Nottingham Post

Services warn of firework dangers


- By MATT JARRAM @Mattjarram­1

FIRE crews are worried about people organising firework parties in their gardens this November following the cancellati­on of all major public events.

Nottingham­shire Fire and Rescue Service are warning the public of the dangers as they expect “a busier night than usual” on Thursday.

Police will also issue £80 fines for anyone who is using fireworks irresponsi­bly.

Andy Macey, prevention group manager for the fire service, said: “Whilst most people enjoy fireworks responsibl­y, in the wrong hands they can cause real misery.

“Remember that fireworks are explosives, and as such should be treated with respect and only used in accordance with the manufactur­er’s instructio­ns and the firework code.”

He said any firework displays should finish before 11pm and people should only buy fireworks which carry the CE mark, keep them in a closed box and use them one at a time following given instructio­ns.

Fireworks should also be lit at arm’s length with a taper and people should stand well back. All naked flames, including cigarettes, should be kept away from fireworks.

This year, they are also urging residents to not light bonfires.

He added: “Bonfires can get out of hand and fire can spread quickly from hedges, overhangin­g trees and garages, and even in some cases spread to the house.

“We are currently amidst a global pandemic and we are asking people not to take risks, putting additional pressures on our emergency services.”

Chief Superinten­dent Rob Griffin, of Nottingham­shire Police, said: “Fireworks can be fun, but using them irresponsi­bly can be a nuisance for your neighbours or even cause serious injury.

“As we enter fireworks season it’s really important for people to think carefully and follow some basic guidance.

“They should also be used with considerat­ion for your neighbours and should never be set off in the street or on any other public place.

“Anyone caught causing a nuisance with fireworks will receive an instant fine of £80 and any fireworks found on a person under 18 will be confiscate­d.

“This year I must also remind people to make sure any celebratio­ns are within the Covid guidelines, ensuring that you are only mixing with your own household or support bubble.”

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