Nottingham Post

Who will negligent parents blame?


WHO will the parents blame when their children are killed or seriously injured while riding scooters and weaving through traffic at night as everyone makes their way home from work on the arteries from the city?

Who will the parents blame for their children not having any lights or reflective clothing, which is exacerbate­d when their children venture out dressed in dark or black clothing and having scooters of the same colour.

Like bikes, scooters can be upon you without notice, as they run silently. I suspect readers have encountere­d them being ridden on the footpaths throughout the city and county. Now we have the city council e-scooters being abandoned on our streets and in gardens as well.

Who takes the responsibi­lity and ownership for these discarded e-scooters, along with any litigation which may arise? Will the taxpayers through the council tax have to cover any legal actions or compensati­on claims resulting from the council e-scooter being littered about the city?

One must ask whether bikes and scooter should have some form of registrati­on and insurance, like a car. New owners of such forms of transport are registered. Despite a majority adhering to riding their cycles responsibl­y, we still have a minority which deem inappropri­ate footpaths as an extension of these cycle lanes or that they can ride two or three abreast on major roads and narrow lanes.

Tony Morris


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