Nottingham Post

Law-breaking ‘silent disco’ prompts disgust



A LOCKDOWN-BUSTING early morning “silent disco” disgusted neighbours in Carlton.

Police fined 20 people a total of more than £5,000 at the illegal gathering in Carlton after being called out to Carlton Square at around 3.40am on Sunday.

People heard shouting from the flat and around 20 people apparently left when police arrived.

The organiser was fined £800 and 19 others were fined a total of £4,400.

Shoppers in Carlton Square agreed with fines and angrily criticised people who didn’t follow the rules.

Roy Chapman, 71, of Carlton, said: “They could kill people. I have only come out once a week since last March. I’ve not seen my grandsons and other family members who are shielding in nearly a year.

“My sister only lives a few doors away and I haven’t even been to see her.

“I’ve had my jab but I am still isolating.

“I understand the youngsters want to have fun but they are putting people’s lives in danger.”

Ann King, 61, who lives in a block of flats near the area, added: “I am disgusted to hear about what happened. People just aren’t taking it seriously.

“I’m not one to tell people to wear a mask – I just move a bit further away – but I have had to stop seeing family members because of this.

“I think people are sick of it, but look at how this started and now the virus has spread to every inch of the Earth.

“The last lockdown didn’t work so we have got to work harder.”

Donna Anderson,

51, of Carlton, said: “We’re all fed up but we’re sticking to the rules – it’s not rocket science. We all want it to be over.

“It is very unfair on the people who are working hard, the NHS. “So yes, I’m glad they were fined.” Councillor John Clarke, leader of Gedling Borough Council, said: “It really makes you wonder about the intelligen­ce of people. The figures are out there every day, the huge number of people still dying – what is more stark than that?

“I fully support the work Nottingham­shire Police are doing. When I’m out and about, I would say 95 percent of Gedling are really compliant. We just desperatel­y need people to follow these guidelines, we need to work with it.

“We can see the signs of change but it’s very slow.

“I actually think more responsibi­lity needs to be taken by the building operators, too.”

A woman who was stopped in a vehicle outside the party was also arrested and charged with failing to provide a breath sample.

Carlie Ann Machado, 33, of Davies Road, West Bridgford, is due to appear at Nottingham Magistrate­s’ Court on Thursday, March 4.

Neighbourh­ood Policing Inspector for Gedling Chris Pearson said: “Our officers have been engaging, explaining and encouragin­g people when it comes to the Covid restrictio­ns, and, in cases such as this instance, enforcing when it is necessary and a blatant disregard of the rules.

“It’s clear that house parties should not be taking place at all, and despite the efforts of this being a ‘silent’ disco, officers still discovered and broke up this party. “We do, however, understand that this is a minority who are breaching restrictio­ns and we would like to thank the many people who have been abiding by the rules and helping to keep communitie­s, our most vulnerable people and the NHS safe.”

I am disgusted to hear about what happened. People just aren’t taking it seriously

Ann King

FADED road markings in Nottingham are “extremely dangerous”, say taxi drivers.

They are calling for the worn-out markings to be repainted as they often can’t tell where the lanes are.

And they say that the current lockdown – during which the city’s roads are understand­ably less busy – could be the ideal time to repaint them.

Drivers are especially worried about the lack of visible markings in Meadows Way, as well as St Ann’s and Nuthall.

Azeem Hanif, for United Private Hire Drivers, says he has a particular issue with the multi-lane roundabout linking Hucknall Road and Valley Road, where lane markings have almost completely disappeare­d.

The 48-year-old said: “The road markings have started to disappear and have not been repainted.

“It can be a challenge especially on the more complex roads. It is extremely dangerous. The roundabout at Nottingham City Hospital is bad.

“That road was redesigned a few years ago and that is a complete nightmare with it being such a large circumfere­nce for drivers to drive around.

“There are three to four lanes and the road markings have gone and you can barely make them out. “When you are going straight over you have to follow quite a wide lane and a lot of people veer across the other lanes. “Huntingdon Street, by the ice arena, as you come round the traffic lights, is not clear and people veer across and it is extremely dangerous. “You have to be careful as a driver if people are in the wrong lane. People do not check their mirrors.” Chander Sood, a taxi driver for more than 20 years, agreed, adding: “The first thing you notice is that you can hardly make them out.” Another motorist, who did not want to be named, said: “All the white lines on the road have faded so much, you can’t tell where the lanes are.

“I nearly had a bad crash in The Meadows near the train station last week. When all the traffic is back on the road, there will definitely be more accidents.” Nottingham City Council was approached for comment but had not replied a the time of going to press.

You have to be careful as a driver if people are in the wrong lane. People do not check their mirrors Azeem Hanif

 ??  ?? Carlton Square, Carlton
Carlton Square, Carlton
 ??  ?? Faded road markings in Meadows Way, which should show a rigtht-turn arrow and white box to wait in before turning
Faded road markings in Meadows Way, which should show a rigtht-turn arrow and white box to wait in before turning
 ??  ?? wtaxi drivers say faded markings on city roads make it difficult to tell what lane they’re in
wtaxi drivers say faded markings on city roads make it difficult to tell what lane they’re in

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