Nottingham Post

Mixed reaction to hotel student flats conversion


PLANS to turn a Travelodge hotel in the city centre to student flats have drawn a mixed reaction.

The hotel, which is on Maid Marian Way, would be converted into 121 studio flats for university students if the proposal gets the goahead from Nottingham City Council.

Applicants Nottingham Hotel Assets Limited and Nottingham Hotel Assets say they want to provide “high-quality stylish student apartments” in the heart of Nottingham at a site which is currently looking “tired” and “in need of repair”.

The current hotel layout would be retained and there would also be minimal changes to the outside of the building.

No parking would be provided at the developmen­t in a bid to encourage the use of public transport.

Parents dropping off or picking up their children would be encouraged to use nearby pay-and-display car parks in Spaniel Way and Minerva House.

Post readers had mixed reactions to the proposals – with some saying on our Nottingham­shire Live website that there was no need for more student accommodat­ion in the city centre.

Stephanie Fallows asked: “Don’t you think we’ve got enough a student accommodat­ion in Nottingham city centre? We need decent clothes shops.”

Greg Carpenter agreed, saying: “There won’t be anything left but student flats, charity shops and coffee shops soon.”

Kath Mckenna wrote: “Fed up of every building being turned in student accommodat­ion – it’s about time they sorted the homeless families out.”

However, not everyone agreed this would have been a realistic use of the City House building.

Andrew Spencer said: “A large commercial building on Maid Marian Way was never going to be turned into a homeless shelter or low-income housing. It’s completely unrealisti­c to think that it would have been.”

Tanya Simpson said: “How about housing for graduates or apprentice­s? Both normally can’t afford a big place after being a student or being on a low wage.

“Or maybe for those on low-paid jobs, our shop workers, restaurant server, many who work long hours in the city but travel an hour just to get to work because affordable places are none existent in the city. I am unfortunat­ely speaking from experience.”

The applicatio­n will now be considered by the city council’s planning committee.

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