Nottingham Post

Mapperley is top with shoppers


- By PHOEBE RAM @phoeratwee­ts

SHOPPERS in a popular Nottingham­shire high street have described it as the safest and most well-used in the area.

Mapperley Top is home to a wide variety of independen­t businesses, from florists to travel agents, and there is plenty of choice for food and drink.

Even under lockdown, shop owners have said business has been booming for those that can stay open, although for others, there was still uncertaint­y around what the future could hold.

In a bid to support high streets in Gedling borough, the council is set to receive £105,213 from the Government’s Welcome Back Fund to revitalise areas and attract shoppers back into communitie­s.

Speaking to the Post, residents and visitors of Mapperley Top gave their ideas of how to further boost trade.

Jagruti Patel, who works in the Mapperley News newsagent, said: “I don’t think it’s really enough for the whole borough.

“What is really needed to get new businesses in, is lower rates and rents.

“That would really get more people to come out.

“But overall, I would say Mapperley Top is one of the better areas, there is good parking and it’s safe. We just maybe need a bit of variety.

“Two of our banks have closed and there are just more and more charity shops.”

Councils can use the funding to hold street markets and festivals, or simply revamp the look and feel of their high streets with more seating areas, street planting or less graffiti.

Retired couple Mary and John Callender, who live in Mapperley, said: “I don’t think it’s too bad up here as it is.

“That’s not a lot of money per high street when you think of all the areas.

“We like Mapperley Top because it feels safer than going anywhere else, there are good crossings here.

“It might be nice to have a bit of a street market as that could entice even more people here.”

Liz Baxter, 68 and a retired business manager, said she prefers visiting Mapperley Top to any other high street.

The Arnold resident said: “I think Arnold could take a bit of inspiratio­n from Mapperley.

“It’s always busy here anyway and after lockdown, it’ll be even more popular. I think a street market would do well but the money could be used to enhance other parts of Gedling borough.

“Arnold market really went downhill and it would be good to keep on top of graffiti more.”

A mum-of-two said: “I think people will be desperate to get back out to Mapperley Top when they can.

“I know a lot of the bars and restaurant­s have got outdoor seats, but maybe a street market or larger outdoor seating would be good, to help the businesses more.

“I think it’s a really well used high street, there’s good parking and as soon as people are able, they will be back to reuse it.”

It’s not yet been confirmed exactly where or how the funding will be used in Gedling, which has a number of high streets including Mapperley, Arnold, Carlton, Gedling and Netherfiel­d.

Tom Randall MP for Gedling said: “I know how difficult it has been for businesses on our high streets across Gedling borough over the last year.

“I am determined to secure them all the help they need to recover.

“That is why I am delighted that our area will receive £105,213 as part of the Government’s Welcome Back Fund, which will help our high streets to reopen safely and successful­ly this summer as restrictio­ns lift.

“This will ensure our high streets have the support they need as we move into recovery, and build back better from the pandemic.”

 ?? MARIE WILSON ?? Gedling Borough Council has been given a Government grant of £100k to spend on improvemen­ts to the high street, which has been welcomed by shoppers like Mary and John Callender, inset.
MARIE WILSON Gedling Borough Council has been given a Government grant of £100k to spend on improvemen­ts to the high street, which has been welcomed by shoppers like Mary and John Callender, inset.

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