Nottingham Post

City fears over Indian variant


- By ANDREW TOPPING & AOIFE MAWN @Atoppingjo­urno

NOTTINGHAM residents have voiced their fears over the potential emerging threat of the Indian Covid-19 variant.

More than 1,600 people have been tested in just three days in the city as health bosses look to track down cases of the rapidly spreading strain.

Public Health England data suggests that as many as 173 cases of the Indian variant have been detected in the East Midlands, though it is unclear how many are in Nottingham­shire.

Cases have been detected at private, shared accommodat­ion blocks and target testing has been carried out this week.

Further cases have been detected but are “isolated” across the wider county, with Nottingham­shire’s public health director urging residents to be “mindful”.

At present, there are two strains of the B.1.617.2 Indian mutation, with 129 cases of the VOC-21APR-02 strain detected in the East Midlands as of May 12.

A further 44 cases of the VUI21APR-01 mutation have also been detected in the region.

It is understood that the variant is more transmissi­ble and there are concerns this will lead to the virus spreading more quickly.

There is no evidence to suggest that the vaccine is less effective against it.

Paul Shepherd, 60, who lives in Wollaton, volunteers with the NHS.

He told the Post: “It seems a lot of people who haven’t had the jab are ethnic minorities, so it’s concerning if it is spreading within those groups. I am concerned about it, yes.

“I imagine it must be horrible to be Boris making these decisions. It’s all a guessing game and we have to go by the data that’s given to us.

“I work in the NHS and I see it first hand, how it affects people when they have the virus. The next month or two will be key.

“They need to keep an eye on the areas where it’s spreading fast and focus on stopping it spreading out of there.

“I think we’ll reopen anyway but we might have to lock down again in a few months. If we have to do it we have to do it – we’ve got to keep people safe.”

Others raised concerns over how it could impact the planned June 21 end to social distancing.

Jennifer Greenway, 75, from Stapleford, said: “I think we’re opening too quickly anyway. People are already letting their guard down.

“If this variant is more virulent and if people aren’t careful then it will spread much too fast.”

Paula Raybould, 50, also from Stapleford, added: “I hope [the Indian variant] does delay the reopening,

“I think we’re already going too fast. “We can’t be too cautious.” But some are not concerned, believing the Prime Minister has got to deliver on his June 21 promise.

“I’m not bothered – we’ve been locked down for long enough now,” says 71-year-old Robert Shannon, of Mapperley.

“I’m not worried about this new variant,

“Boris has promised us all this and he needs to deliver it.”

 ?? Shepherd, from Wollaton AIOFE MAWN ?? NHS volunteer Paul
Shepherd, from Wollaton AIOFE MAWN NHS volunteer Paul

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