Nottingham Post

Child rapist ‘monster’ jailed


- By PETER HENNESSY @petehennes­sy97

A CHILD rapist who handed himself in after committing a series of sexual offences has been jailed.

Robson Thompson, 25, of no fixed address, pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting a young boy in Nottingham­shire at a previous hearing.

After denying additional charges of sexual abuse of the same child, an investigat­ion by Nottingham­shire Police found evidence he had committed further offences.

Thompson went on to plead guilty to rape and two counts of sexual assault against the boy.

He was sentenced to 12 years’ imprisonme­nt with an additional five years on licence at Nottingham Crown Court on Friday.

Thompson will be on the sex offenders register for life and subject to a sexual harm prevention order.

Detective Constable Kerry Stringfell­ow, of Nottingham­shire Police, said: “Thompson’s monstrous acts were disgracefu­l, predatory and vile.

“He knew what he was doing was sick and wrong but carried on regardless, committing a number of offences over a series of months.

“While he handed himself in, he attempted to claim that he was not guilty of further offences, we were committed to ensuring that we could secure guilty pleas.

“Sexual assaults are among the most horrific acts anyone can commit and we take investigat­ions into such offences very seriously.

“We work hard to give victims appropriat­e support and I would like to commend the victim and their family in this case for their bravery in what is a traumatic and awful time.

“It is so important that victims and survivors of sexual assaults report incidents to police so that we can investigat­e them thoroughly.

“Today’s sentence is the culminatio­n of our efforts to bring justice and while it won’t erase what happened, I hope it brings some closure for those impacted on by Thompson’s actions.”

 ??  ?? Robson Thompson, 25, has been sentenced to 12 years in prison
Robson Thompson, 25, has been sentenced to 12 years in prison

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