Nottingham Post

‘Takeaway alley’ noise and rubbish concerns

- By OLIMPIA ZAGNAT @Olimpiazag­nat

MEMBERS of a community have voiced their concerns over noise and rubbish left at night on a road “packed with takeaways”.

Business owners and residents on Sneinton Dale have called for change on the street where many spend their nights on the street known for its vast range of takeaways.

Some have described it as a “takeaway alley”, and other business owners on the road said they have to lock their bins at night because they would otherwise find them overloaded the morning after.

Residents have also expressed their frustratio­n as their daily routine includes picking up the litter left behind on their doorstep by night eaters.

Mike Konstandi has been part of the family-run fish and chips Georgios store on Sneinton Dale since 1975.

He said there were “too many” takeaways that operate until late at night.

Mr Konstandi, now business owner, 52, added: “We are open until 9.15pm while other businesses stay open until later, like 11pm.

“I cannot imagine how hard it is for the residents who have to put up with the noise.

“It is like a takeaway alley at night - it is concerning.

“There is nothing else around here only takeaways.

“I have been here for 45 years and it has been getting worse.

“I also feel like some takeaways attract a specific clientele.

“We are establishe­d, we have been here for decades and our customers are respectful.

“I cannot say the same thing about other clients who have their food in their cars late at night and then throw the rubbish out of the window.

“It is takeaway after takeaway and then at night it just becomes a hotspot for noise and rubbish.”

Sam Hussain, 54, a staff worker at Papas Wok said he was no stranger to the issue.

He added: “This street is hardcore at night.

“We have seen it happening, but luckily not with our food.

“Our food is not that kind of takeaway that you can just have it in the street.

“People would usually sit when they eat.

“But we had to put a lock on our bin because people would throw their litter all over the place at night.”

Resident Cassandra Denova, of Barnston Road, 22, said she got used to having to pick up the litter outside her house in the morning.

She added: “I live in the area and people are always making a big mess.

“They throw their rubbish all over the place.

“The noise is an issue too. “There is always litter outside my house and residents have to pick it up every morning.

“People should be cleaner and more responsibl­e.” However, it is not all bad as one resident said he feels “spoiled for choice” every time he wants to have a takeaway.

Taxi driver Tariq Haroon, 44, added: “I sometimes see rubbish on the street and yes, sometimes people are loud. “But I love Sneinton and I think it is brilliant that we have so much diversity.

“I love having so many takeaways. “I feel like I am always spoiled for choice - I absolutely love them.”

Mr Haroon has lived in Sneinton for 25 years and added: “It is great to see young people making most of this area.

“Sometimes they are loud at night - but they are young, they are just having fun.

“The noise is not every night - the rubbish could be avoided though.”

Dales Ward Councillor David Mellen, the leader of the city council who has lived in Sneinton for the last 30 years, added: “It is important to see both sides of this as takeaways would not exist if they did not have customers.

“There are some customers who come and visit Sneinton to get their takeaways.

“There are also those who live locally and use the takeaways.”

Addressing the concerns about noise in the late hours, Mr Mellen added: “Some people have tried to stay open until midnight and we have objected to that successful­ly.

“We know that there are people in the area who have to go to work early the next day and children who need to go to school the next day.

“It is not fair for them to have noise later than 11pm.

“As a local council, one of our five pledges to the local people at the last election two years ago was to oppose hot food takeaways because we think we’ve got enough and because of the problem with litter.

“And we also want to create balance within the community.

“There are people who want to buy and trade in other things, for example as bakers.

“There is a dessert shop called Scoops which gives something different to people.

“I think that people want a variety - they do not want lots of the same.

“And obviously there are some stores like Pak foods and Co-op where people go to for their basic needs.

“We have got to balance the need for people to live in the area, but with local businesses, they need to be compatible with the area.”

Asked how is the local council planning to tackle the issue, Mr Mellen added: “We are not in favour of any more takeaways.

“For example, at the moment, there is not a place where you can sit down and have a cup of tea or coffee and I think creativity is needed.”

At night it just becomes a hotspot for noise and rubbish.

Mike Konstandi


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