Nottingham Post

Police raid seizes drugs


- By JOSHUA Hartley @Joshhartle­y70

POLICE used an electric saw and battering ram to smash their way into a house used by suspected drug dealers.

During the dramatic raid on Tuesday, officers used an electric saw to dismantle a front door in Rufford Walk, Bulwell.

Then they smashed it off its hinges with the battering ram to gain entry.

The officers found large quantities of the drug mamba as they searched kitchen and bedroom drawers and sofas.

And another search – at an address in nearby Whitebeam Gardens – uncovered more of the class B drug.

As a result, a 30-year-old woman and a 51-year-old man were arrested on suspicion of possession with intent to supply a class B drug.

They have been released under investigat­ion while police continue their enquiries.

The drugs were seized and have been destroyed.

After the operation, Sergeant Adam Brown, of Nottingham­shire Police’s City North Operation Reacher team, said: “Officers were right on time and found significan­t amounts of mamba inside the address, as well as deal bags and scales.

“The people sat around the living room table tried their best to hide it, but it seems we interrupte­d ‘bagging up’ time and they’d only managed to get one deal bag filled before officers spoiled the party.

“These arrests sends out a clear message to those who want to sell drugs – we will not tolerate it and we will take action.

“Drugs is a priority for us in the area and something we are committed to tackling.

“I’m really pleased with the outcome and it’s testament to the officers involved for their hard work, profession­alism and tenacity.”

 ?? GOGGLE/NOTTS POLICE ?? Rufford Walk, Bulwell, and, inset, mamba found inside
GOGGLE/NOTTS POLICE Rufford Walk, Bulwell, and, inset, mamba found inside

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