Nottingham Post

Afghan fears over Taliban killings


REPORTS of targeted killings in areas overrun by the Taliban mounted yesterday, fuelling fears that they will return Afghanista­n to the repressive rule they imposed when they were last in power, even as they urged imams to push a message of unity at prayers.

Terrified that the new de facto rulers would commit such abuses, thousands have raced to Kabul’s airport desperate to flee following the Taliban’s stunning blitz through the country.

Others have taken to the streets to protest against the takeover - acts of defiance that Taliban fighters have violently suppressed.

The Taliban have sought to project moderation and have pledged to restore security and forgive those who fought them in the 20 years since a Us-led invasion.

Ahead of Friday prayers, leaders urged imams to use sermons to appeal for unity and urge people not to flee the country.

But many Afghans are sceptical, fearing that the Taliban will erase the gains, especially for women, achieved in the past two decades.

An Amnesty Internatio­nal report provided more evidence yesterday that undercut the Taliban’s claims they have changed.

The rights group said that its researcher­s spoke to eyewitness­es in Ghazni province who recounted how the Taliban killed nine Hazara men in the village of Mundarakht on July 4-6.

It said six of the men were shot and three were tortured to death.

Hazaras are Shiite Muslims who were previously persecuted by the Taliban and who made major gains in education and social status in recent years.

The brutality of the killings was “a reminder of the Taliban’s past record and a horrifying indicator of what Taliban rule may bring,” said Agnes Callamard, the head of Amnesty Internatio­nal.

The group warned that many more killings may have gone unreported because the Taliban cut mobile phone services in many areas they have captured to prevent images from being published.

Separately, Reporters without Borders expressed alarm at the news that Taliban fighters killed the family member of an Afghan journalist working for German broadcaste­r Deutsche Welle on Wednesday.

The broadcaste­r said fighters conducted house-to-house searches for their reporter, who had already relocated to Germany. It said the Taliban also raided the homes of at least three of its journalist­s.

“Sadly, this confirms our worst fears,” said Katja Gloger of the press freedom group’s German section. “The brutal action of the Taliban show that the lives of independen­t media workers in Afghanista­n are in acute danger.”

Meanwhile, a Norway-based private intelligen­ce group that provides informatio­n to the UN said it obtained evidence that the Taliban have rounded up Afghans on a blacklist of people they believe worked in key roles with the previous Afghan administra­tion or with Us-led forces.

In an email, the executive director of RHIPTO Norwegian Centre for Global Analyses said the organisati­on knew about several threat letters sent to Afghans, including a man who was taken from his Kabul apartment this week by the Taliban.

“We had access to hard copies of concrete letters issued and stamped by the Taliban Military Commission to this effect,” said Christian Nellemann. A report from the group that was obtained by The Associated Press included a copy of one of the letters.

The AP could not independen­tly verify the claims made by the group.

Under the Taliban’s previous rule, women were largely confined to their homes, television and music were banned and public executions were held regularly.

Fearing a return to those days, thousands have tried to flee the country, braving checkpoint­s manned by Taliban fighters to rush to Kabul’s airport, where a chaotic evacuation is under way.

Mohammad Naim, who has been among the crowd at the airport for four days trying to escape the country, said he had to put his children on the roof of a car on the first day to save them from being crushed by the mass of people. He saw other children killed after they were unable to get out of the way.

The United States is struggling to pick up the pace of evacuation­s it is running from Afghanista­n, where thousands of Americans and their Afghan allies may be in need of escape.

European countries are also working to bring their citizens and those who have worked with them out.

But Spain’s Defence Minister Margarita Robles said on Friday that its military transport planes are leaving Kabul partly empty in the tumult.

 ??  ?? Taliban fighters patrol as two Traffic policemen stand, left, in Kabul, Afghanista­n
Taliban fighters patrol as two Traffic policemen stand, left, in Kabul, Afghanista­n
 ??  ?? Military plane evacuating people from Kabul
Military plane evacuating people from Kabul

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