Nottingham Post




BUSINESS owners in Mansfield have questioned young people’s attitude to coronaviru­s as cases in the town continue to rise.

Recent Public Health England statistics revealed that Mansfield in now the third-worst-hit local authority in the country.

The latest figures show that Mansfield is up from 501.1 to 551.4 infections per 100,000 with 603 new cases in the last week.

An interactiv­e map of Covid cases from shows Mansfield town centre and Broomhill is the worst affected neighbourh­ood, with more than 850 cases per 100,000 people – a 55 percent increase on the previous week.

Of the 312 local areas in England, 197 have seen a week-onweek rise in Covid rates.

The owner of the Underworld Shop on Bridge Street, Mansfield, who asked not to be named, thinks that younger people are care-free when it comes to the issue of coronaviru­s.

He said: “We’ve been really busy still, to be fair.

“People we deal with are young people. They don’t really give a damn about Covid.

“We’ve been careful. We still are quite careful. We have got measures in place like washing hands and things like that but none of our customers do because they’re all youths. The youth don’t really believe in it – they don’t care!

“I am 55 and we do deal with it but I don’t really think it is on young people’s minds.

“I am asthmatic, so it definitely does still concern me.

“We sell e-cigs and we don’t touch them after others have touched them.

“I do check Mansfield rates quite a lot. Mansfield are usually quite late to get anything. I am not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing.”

Another local business owner said: “Coronaviru­s rates haven’t affected business at all really, and I don’t think it has for other business in Mansfield – that’s probably why we’ve got such high rates.

“It absolutely is something that still concerns me personally. I still wear masks on public transport and a face shield at work.

“The majority of customers that come in the store do too but there seems to be a generation gap.”

Jonathan Gribbin, Director of Public Health for Nottingham­shire, commented on the troubling Mansfield statistics and offered advice on how people can help keep rates down.

Mr Gribbin said: “The rate of new Covid-19 infections in Mansfield, Ashfield and across much of Nottingham­shire is running at high levels. This has serious implicatio­ns for local people.

“This is because some people will go on to experience symptoms which disrupt their plans and impact their wellbeing for months not days. “Today, many dozens of people across the country are experienci­ng complicati­ons which has required hospital treatment. For some, the severity of the disease requires critical care.

“Our vaccinatio­n programme has already massively reduced the number of people hospitalis­ed or dying as a result of Covid-19. But we are concerned that some people remain unprotecte­d.

“Therefore, the Nottingham­shire County public health team continues to work closely with partners like Mansfield District Council to reduce the impact of Covid-19 in our communitie­s.

But to ensure we can live safely with Covid-19 in the months ahead,

I am once again asking for everyone’s help.

“Firstly, vaccinatio­n sites across the country are offering walk-in appointmen­ts without booking. So if you’ve not yet received the offer of a vaccinatio­n, or not had time to book, you can check the timetable and pop in at a time that suits you.

“Secondly, it remains essential for anyone with symptoms that they isolate immediatel­y and book a PCR test straight away.

“Thirdly, with Covid-19 circulatin­g so widely, I’d like to remind people who do not have symptoms that they can still get a rapid Covid-19 lateral flow test twice a week.

“Finally, we can reduce the spread of Covid-19 and a range of other infections through frequent hand-washing with soap, by using face coverings in crowded indoor settings, and by socialisin­g outdoors wherever possible.

“The virus has not gone away but following these measures will allow everyone in Nottingham­shire to live safely with Covid-19 while we get back to the things we enjoy.”

The youth don’t really believe in it – they don’t care!

Shop owner

 ?? MARIE WILSON ?? The Covid vaccinatio­n centre at the Forest Recreation Ground
MARIE WILSON The Covid vaccinatio­n centre at the Forest Recreation Ground
 ??  ?? Mansfield town centre, where some traders believe younger people do not care about Covid
Mansfield town centre, where some traders believe younger people do not care about Covid

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