Nottingham Post

Islamic scholar urges people to ‘give the Taliban a chance’


MUSHARRAF Hussain, an Islamic scholar and deputy lieutenant of Nottingham­shire County Council, says that “we need to give the Taliban a chance.”

He spoke to Frances Finn on Sunday on BBC Sounds about the Taliban regime in Afghanista­n.

Families and civilians are trying to escape the country following the withdrawal of foreign forces.

Twenty civilians have been killed at the airport as thousands try to board the few flights departing from the airport.

Dr Hussain said in his interview that Afghans are “not fleeing for their lives” but “taking an amazing opportunit­y” to gain asylum.

He referred to the civilians who are trying to flee as “economic migrants, an opportunit­y to escape the poverty of a country.”

Dr Hussain was awarded an OBE in 2008 for ‘services to community relations.’

He is also the chief executive of the Karimia Institute, Nottingham.

During the interview, Dr. Hussain said: “The concerns of the locals have been over reported by the media.”

When pressed on why he can feel positive about the Taliban, he responded with: “Trust people, give them the benefit of doubt and opportunit­y.

“Our conflicts and wars all begin when we misjudge people.

“It is an amazing opportunit­y for the Taliban to show that they can bring really positive and good change.”

He explained how the Taliban regime is not like the one 20 years ago, and will “respect woman and that human rights are abided by.”

There have been reports of stampedes and crushing injuries at Kabul airport where civilians attempt to board planes out of the country.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson has promised that up to 5,000 Afghans will be given refuge this year in the UK.

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