Nottingham Post

Speak freely

As American business magnate Warren Buffet says, communicat­ion skills can improve your value by 50%. LIZ CONNOR gets tips on feeling the fear and still finding your voice


THE idea of standing up in front of a crowded room and delivering a wedding speech or important work presentati­on fills many of us with dread.

Public speaking anxiety (Glossophob­ia), is one of the most common fears in the UK. The British Council, says 75% of us suffer from anxiety about talking in front of a crowd.

The physical effects can be extreme – rapid heartbeat, sweating, dry mouth, and nausea. But although it’s a common form of anxiety, it’s also a treatable one. With preparatio­n and persistenc­e, you can become much more comfortabl­e with the skill.


“The most important public speaking advice is to practise. The more one speaks, the less uncomforta­ble you become over time,” says Matt Eventoff, founder of Princeton Public Speaking (princetonp­ublicspeak­

If you don’t have regular opportunit­ies to speak at work, join a book club to build confidence in sharing ideas, or even just run through presentati­ons with friends and family.

Videoing yourself delivering a speech sounds painful at first, but it can be a helpful confidence boost, as you often come across much better than you imagine.


If you’ve been asked to do a work presentati­on, these techniques can help calm you on the day.

“Remind yourself that the people in the room want to listen to what you have to say,” says Paul Russell, a Doctor of Psychology and managing director of soft skills training firm, Luxury Academy (luxuryacad­

“Try putting a picture of a person that helps you to feel calm on the podium in front of you, and any time you feel nervous, pretend you are talking to them.”


Trends forecaster, Shivvy Jervis, who has headlined over 600 events to audiences in the thousands says: “Get really familiar with your material – but not in the format of a formal speech.”

Rather, he says, think of it as “friendly bullet points” that read as natural dialogue. “When you keep your talking points in this form and flow, it sticks in your brain.”


Proper breathing is a powerful tool that can enhance your public speaking. When we’re nervous, we tend to take short and shallow breaths.

Paul Wingfield, head of Vocal and Operatic Studies at Royal Birmingham Conservato­ire ( recommends slowing things down.

“A ‘low’ breath, found by releasing your belly on inhalation, will be your friend on stage,” he says. “Not only will it help stabilise any nerves, but it will also help you ‘support’ your voice for healthy vocal production – which is useful if you’re going to make a habit of speaking to large groups of people.”

He adds that as our heart rate increases, so does our speaking tempo: “You may feel as though you’re speaking slower than normal but chances are it’s just right.”


Manifestat­ion is bringing something tangible into your life through attraction and belief.

“The best way to beat any fears is to think back to a time where you felt super confident,” says mindset coach Amy Crumpton, founder of Social Cactus Coaching ( “Where were you, what were you doing and what were you feeling at the time? Ask yourself: How can you borrow some of that confidence and energy and use it when you’re feeling fearful?

“Visualise yourself smashing it, everyone clapping and cheering and telling you how brilliant you were.

“Visualisat­ion is a super powerful tool which tricks your mind, as your brain doesn’t know the difference between what’s real and what’s imagined.”

If you can’t overcome your fear with practice alone, consider speaking to your GP. They may refer you to a cognitive behavioura­l therapist, which is a skills-based approach that can be a successful treatment for reducing social anxiety.

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Public speaking is one of the most common phobias

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