Nottingham Post

Council leader ‘a bit unwell’


THE leader of Ashfield District Council clarified recent comments that he intends to “step back” from the role at the authority’s cabinet meeting.

Councillor Jason Zadrozny (Ashfield Independen­ts) cited health reasons for stepping away from parts of the role but has insisted he will be “back in charge fully” once he has recovered.

Speaking to the Local Democracy Reporting Service following Monday’s cabinet meeting, Councillor Zadrozny confirmed he had recently emailed all councillor­s asking them to contact relevant cabinet members with their concerns.

It comes as he delegates some of his work to the cabinet to ease work pressures.

However, he insisted he is still “entirely running the council”. He said: “It’s fairly simple. I’m a bit unwell at the moment and I just needed to take a bit of time to concentrat­e on that.

“I’m entirely running the council still, but while I’ve got some health concerns, I’m delegating a fair bit more. “I wrote to all councillor­s earlier this month asking them to contact the relevant cabinet member, rather than coming to me for every little thing.

“I think [me stepping down] is wishful thinking from some of the opposition, but no, I am here and as soon as I’m back on full form they’ll know I’m back in charge fully.” Councillor Zadrozny, who represents the Larwood ward, will also be in attendance at Ashfield District Council’s full council meeting tomorrow, as well as the Nottingham­shire County Council meeting on the same day.

He said last week he expects to be “back to full speed” within the next one to two months.

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Councillor Jason Zadrozny

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