Nottingham Post



ARIES March 21–April 20

After some initial hesitancy, you are now discoverin­g that you and a new friend or partner are completely at ease with each other. You often find yourself looking forward to being in their company. This could be the beginning of a meaningful romance if you are single.

TAURUS April 21-May 21

New plans may be delayed before they’re put in place. These are designed to relieve the worry and tension that a work-related situation has been causing. Your patience is a great example to others as you have no doubt now that the plans will go ahead and they will make life easier.

GEMINI May 22-June 21

You’ve reached a turning point in your life as you feel more certain of your own opinions and less inclined to agree with other people for the sake of harmony. Could it be early childhood conditioni­ng that has stopped you from being who you really are? You are ready to just be yourself.

CANCER June 22-July 23

There may be awkward moments to deal with but these won’t cause much inconvenie­nce. You’re responsive to atmosphere and other people’s feelings that you almost take these on as if they were your own. Some solitude should help you distinguis­h your own emotions from that of others.

LEO July 24-Aug 23

Good news regarding a close friend or loved one’s health and wellbeing will leave you with a huge sense of relief. You have been concerned recently that someone has been overdoing things lately and now they are agreeing to take it easy for a while, this will set your mind at rest.

VIRGO Aug 24-Sept 23

Sharing plans, ideas and hopes for the future cultivates a happy, harmonious home life. A partner’s good mood will rub off on you making you feel positive and enthusiast­ic about joint activities. Providing you aren’t expecting instant results this is a great time to start a new venture.

LIBRA Sept 24–Oct 23

You won’t want to feel as if you are being pushed into anything. If a friend’s suggestion­s do not appeal to you then you will be of a mind to stand your ground and just not get involved. You’re growing tired of the way this person seems to think and expect to always get their own way.

SCORPIO Oct 24-Nov22

If you’re in the middle of a confusing situation, whether this is at home or at work, you could discover to your relief today that there is an easy way out. There are also one or two surprises in store for you although this isn’t something that you should get overly excited about.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23-Dec 21

An offer or opportunit­y will come your way that could make a special dream come true. Recent financial transactio­ns need to be reconsider­ed. If you’re buying or selling property or something of value, check all contracts and agreements before signing the dotted line. Keep watchful.

CAPRICORN Dec 22-Jan 20

Whatever conclusion­s you draw from activities you are involved in now, the more constructi­ve you make your contributi­on to them the better you will feel. Your involvemen­t in groups to do with justice and green issues will be appreciate­d more than you realise.

AQUARIUS Jan 21-Feb 19

Important meetings will take the shape of examinatio­ns, tests and interviews. You should feel good about moving towards your highest potential. Some thorough research could bring valuable informatio­n to light. You may need to go over financial matters with an expert.

PISCES Feb 20-Mar 20

A creative mood could manifest itself and it’s likely your family, friends and partner will be both your subjects and your inspiratio­n. Art, poetry, music, photograph­y are all ways to express your emotions. Catch up on emails and phone calls you may have neglected recently.

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