Nottingham Post

It’s so good to be back!

- By JOSHUA HARTLEY @Joshhartle­y70

THE organisers of Robin Hood Half Marathon have promised an emotional return to the event after last year’s cancellati­on.

Due to Covid last year’s Robin Hood Half Marathon, which draws thousands of people to the route through Nottingham, was cancelled.

This year’s event is the 40th anniversar­y of the race and has been labelled the ‘comeback race’ of Nottingham by its planners.

Judith Manson, race manager said: “We were absolutely gutted that like every race around the county last year we couldn’t go ahead.

“And anybody who was involved, participan­ts, volunteers, organisers were devastated but completely understood why at the time it couldn’t go ahead.

“There was a lot of uncertaint­y throughout last summer. All the people that have entered can’t wait to be back running the half marathon.

“We were very upset we couldn’t do it with all the razzmatazz last year. But this year we’re marking that celebratio­n by coming back - its the comeback race of Nottingham.

“It’s not quite the same as what we would have liked for a big 40th party but I think it’s going to be very emotional with everyone there.

“I can’t wait to see all the people there, including the crew that are usually there who I haven’t seen for about two years. Seeing them and the guys who put all the tents and other stuff up.

“I’m sure a lot of runners and a lot of people behind it will shed a tear once they’re out there.”

Although the organiser was delighted that the race was taking place, organisers have had to make changes from previous pre-covid races.

She assured those taking part that extra effort had to be taken to ensure the race was safe and that as little was changed at possible.

Judith said: “We’ve had to really consider and think about everything that we’re doing this year. A lot a time and care has been put in to making the event safe for everyone.

“We have sent out informatio­n to our runners advising them on how to get around safely and also telling them about the measures in place to help with that.

“We did a survey recently of the runners and it 75 per cent of them said they wouldn’t use the massage tent, so its not there this year.

“And volunteers wont be handing out drinks to runners or putting medals around people’s necks in the finish funnel. Which is a shame as it’s a part of the excitement of the day.

“We’ve changed as little as possible to keep everybody’s enjoyment as high as possible, the tweaks we’ve had to make won’t dampen anyone’s enjoyment.

“But we’re glad that after all we’ve been through there are no restrictio­ns or cap on how many people can turn up, be that runners or spectators.

“It is going to be so gratifying seeing everyone on the start line, just seeing simple things like being at the race village and putting their bags away, or collecting their race packs and the interactio­n between people - the community in Nottingham are amazing and always come out to cheer people, I know they’ll get behind the events.”

The race organiser said that it been a tough year for the Robin Hood Half Marathon.

And that she was already planning and looking forward to next year’s event.

Judith added: “It has been an interestin­g and very challengin­g year, I’ve never experience­d anything like it before. I’ve written more plans for this race for any event in the last eight years because things have changed so many times. I’ve lost count.

“I would not like anybody on Earth to have gone through what we’ve been through in last 16 months or so.

“But we’re already planning and have the date for 2022. On September 27 we’ll be straight on to sorting our next years event.

“I can’t wait to get back to totally normal with the routine of the races, we’ve planned and planned.

“Next year we’ll be able to get out and meet more people before the race, because that’s really what it’s all about that face-to-face interactio­n.”

It’s not quite what we would have liked for a big 40th party but I think it’s going to be very emotional.

Race manager Judith Manson

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