Nottingham Post

Could West Bridgford be new Hockley?

- By MATT JARRAM @newsdesk@nottingham­

THE bustling high street of West Bridgford could soon become “more cosmopolit­an” and have a similar feel to Hockley, say independen­t businesses.

They welcomed proposals to pedestrian­ise Central Avenue, a street known for its restaurant­s and shops.

Business owners have said the area now has the potential to mirror Hockley – known for its colourful rainbow road, alfresco dining and individual spirit.

“It is a good idea,” said Peri Theodosiou, owner of Forde’s cafe in Tudor Square.

“It will be a safer environmen­t, less pollution and will be more cosmopolit­an.

“It would be similar to Hockley, and it would really change the atmosphere.”

His comments come as senior figures from Nottingham­shire County Council decide whether to progress with the pedestrian­isation of Central Avenue by the end of the year.

A decision will be made on whether to launch an £80,000 feasibilit­y study into whether it is possible to completely pedestrian­ise the street.

Jude Lyle, assistant general manager at Cote Brasserie, which has been on Central Avenue for around seven years, also backed the move.

“I have seen people flying down here in their cars at night.

“I think we would get more people walking around who would stop by and have a drink and a coffee.

“The only problem would be for the buses.”

Paul Alexander, who has run toys, greetings cards and stationery shop Inspiratio­ns in Central Avenue for the last 20 years, said the change could improve safety.

“It would stop people driving down here at 100mph,” he said.

“Someone is going to get knocked over here.

“But if visitors come on a bus, and it drops them round the corner, some of the elderly people said they would not come here.

“I look at it both ways. What about the disabled drivers as well?”

Jonathan Hyman, who has owned No8 Delicatess­en in Gordon Road for 20 years, said parking had generally been one of the biggest problems for visitors to the popular suburb near Trent Bridge.

“If they want to attract people to shop they need to have more of a plan than pedestrian­isation,” he said.

“People need the bus and if they are going to be further away from the shops will that stop certain people from getting here?

“The main thing is parking. They want to be able to park for an hour free, not 30 minutes, and we have been lobbying for that for a long time.”

Rushcliffe Borough Council has, however, made some of its car parks free to use after 3pm to help retailers, with car parks in West Bridgford included.

In the past, the borough council has said there had been a desire among businesses to create “a pedestrian-based heart” in the town centre.

The new plans could see the area free from buses and cars.

A borough council spokesman said: “A survey completed by Central West Bridgford Community Associatio­n showed positive support for more focus on the pedestrian­isation of Central Avenue.

“The council’s West Bridgford Growth Board meetings to date and previous work with the West Bridgford Commission­ers has referenced a desire to create a pedestrian-based heart for the town centre and there is a consensus of support from local businesses for its potential.

“Any feasibilit­y study would need to assess rerouting public transport and disability access and, if positive, could lead to a capital project being developed.”

The county council said a report will come to committee later this year and councillor­s would determine whether a feasibilit­y study would be carried out into perdestria­nisation.

It would be similar to Hockley and it would really change the atmosphere

Peri Theodosiou

 ?? ?? Peri Theodosiou, owner of Fordes cafe
Peri Theodosiou, owner of Fordes cafe
 ?? ?? Central Avenue, West Bridgford
Central Avenue, West Bridgford

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