Nottingham Post

Mark Spencer under fire


- By JACK THURLOW @Jackthurlo­w21

CONSTITUEN­TS have condemned their MP – Government chief whip Mark Spencer – over his handling of the Owen Paterson scandal as calls for his resignatio­n gathered.

Sherwood MP Mr Spencer, who was appointed chief whip in 2019, has been criticised in briefings after the Government tried to protect Mr Paterson from punishment for breaching lobbying rules.

Anger has grown among MPS over the way in which Mr Spencer dealt with the scandal.

On Saturday, The Times reported that many cabinet ministers in Downing Street believed that it was time for the chief whip to resign, along with Jacob Rees-mogg, Leader of the Commons.

Now, residents in Mapperley have shared their thoughts on the scandal.

Retired John Fawkes, 74, who lives near Mapperley Plains, said: “It’s not right.

“For the pride of their party they should not be trying to protect him.

“It’s very old fashioned the way they have gone about it.

“It shouldn’t be happening.

“I don’t think that Mark Spencer should resign – I think that might be going a bit too far.

“It’s absolutely right that Owen Paterson has stepped down, though. He couldn’t survive something like that.”

James Donnelly, 72, also retired, said: “I don’t keep up with the news as much as I used to and this scandal is why. You can’t trust a lot of these MPS now – they all stick up for each other.

“I think that anyone that has stood up for this fellow should have to resign. I voted Labour for years but now I wouldn’t vote for any of them.”

The Commons Standards Committee recommende­d Mr Paterson should be suspended for 30 days for breaching the rules – but Prime Minister Boris Johnson ordered Tory MPS to block it.

The Prime Minister then reversed his decision the following day after a huge outcry in the media and among MPS.

Another Mapperley resident, who wished to remain anonymous, said: “I think Mark Spencer has done some good for Sherwood. I have always thought he came across as a decent man. The Owen Paterson scandal has changed my mind on him a bit but I don’t think that he should resign.”

Mr Paterson stepped down before a decision was made on his suspension.

 ?? ?? Sherwood MP and chief whip Mark Spencer and Leader of the Commons Jacob Rees-mogg are under attack for their role in the corruption scandal which engulfed Tory MP Owen Paterson, left
Sherwood MP and chief whip Mark Spencer and Leader of the Commons Jacob Rees-mogg are under attack for their role in the corruption scandal which engulfed Tory MP Owen Paterson, left

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