Nottingham Post

The rising tide of violence against our frontline emergency workers


This summer East Midlands Ambulance Service introduced bodycams for all paramedics in the region, following two years of rising assaults on its staff. Emergency responders have borne much of the brunt of public anger during the pandemic and, as reports, with another winter of Covid measures ahead, they are bracing themselves for more tough times down the road

WITHIN minutes of 999 calls from terrified onlookers reporting that a man was walking around Hockley armed with two metal poles, officers from Nottingham­shire Police were on the scene.

A heart-stopping situation, occurring in November, which most people were doing everything they could to avoid, suddenly became the business of officers to resolve.

During the struggle to restrain the man and neutralise the danger to the public, one of the officers was struck over the head with one of the metal poles, an injury which left him in hospital.

Many such incidents are dealt with quickly and without any harm to the public or the police themselves.

But on this day, the officer sent out into the line of danger was to experience first-hand a distressin­g truth learned by many of his colleagues around the county, and nationally: emergency workers are highly vulnerable, and are attacked far more than most people realise.

The attack in question became one of hundreds of “Code Zero” calls – the callsign that officers use when they are in danger – in Nottingham­shire each year, part of a “rising tide of violence ” against police officers.

Later that month, officers responding to reports of a man racially abusing a group of people in Hyson Green were spat at and kicked during the arrest.

Two weeks later an officer lost a tooth when he was headbutted by a man in Mansfield – and just last week an officer was reportedly bitten and spat at while breaking up a fight in Arnold.

In 2020 Notts Police officers sustained 645 assaults, or 1.7 a day, resulting in 145 injuries. Nationally in the 12 months to March, police forces around England and Wales recorded 37,000 assaults on officers on duty.

And the problem is by no means confined to the police.

Data from East Midlands Ambulance Service (EMAS) shows a 32 percent increase in the number of assaults against paramedics over the past three years.

Between April 2020 and March this year, there were 1,103 assaults against paramedics in the East Midlands, up from 830 in the same period two years previous.

It has always been the case that emergency workers – especially police – are in a vulnerable position.

But Steve Cooper, assistant chief constable of Nottingham­shire Police, said that fact does not diminish the seriousnes­s of the attacks, which often leave lasting scars on officers both physically and psychologi­cally.

He says: “It is never acceptable to assume assaults upon police officers and staff should be tolerated. It is not simply ‘part of the job.’

“Not only do assaults on police staff and officers have a negative impact on the community but also internally on the organisati­on.

“Officers don’t just suffer physically from being assaulted there are also psychologi­cal effects and some may find their return to work difficult and challengin­g after being assaulted.

“The public call upon the police to help them when they are most in need. We have a duty to protect the public but we are all too often prevented from doing so due to violent individual­s who choose to attack those who are there to help them.” The fact that those members of the blue light services who are there to help the public seem to be in more danger than ever is causing great concern.

So much so that Nottingham North MP Alex Norris has led a long-running campaign in Parliament to toughen up sentences for those who assault anyone who falls within the broad category of a “public-facing worker” – including retail workers, community protection officers, paramedics, fire service officers, tram conductors, bus drivers, prison officers and teachers.

The campaign, which has been running for well over three years, follows another piece of legislatio­n, led by Labour’s Chris Bryant, the Assaults on Emergency Workers (Offences) Bill, known as the “protect the protectors” bill, which passed in 2017.

Mr Norris says that he and fellow MPS have had to fight the Government to get their legislatio­n on the books – and that it has taken the past two years of extra strain on blue lights responders to get it over the line.

He said: “Where we’ve moved the Government to is very positive for a deterrent factor as much as practical use.

“The Government has been so hard to move on this for years and years. It’s been partly the impact of the pandemic. We’ve seen a big increase in this.

“It’s been an exceptiona­lly hard period, with police enforcing things that really aren’t part of their duty. Those have become trigger moments for abuse.

“Whether it’s a paramedic or a shop worker doing the things that are important to society, when they come in for violent abuse it’s anathema to all right-minded people. But it is happening and it’s happening at scale.”

Which many argue is as a result of not just the pandemic, but wider, systemic problems in the public sector caused by under-investment in services.

It is never acceptable to assume assaults upon police officers and staff should be tolerated. It is not simply ‘part of the job’

ACC Steve Cooper

Gareth Eales, regional organiser at public services workers’ union Unison, which represents many EMAS staff, said that a clear line can be drawn between “misplaced public anger” towards paramedics and strains in the NHS.

He said: “You cannot separate the pressures on the NHS with the attacks on ambulance staff. Waiting times for ambulances are hugely increased, which is certainly prompting misplaced public anger and inappropri­ate behaviours.

“Every ambulance service is at REAP 4 – the highest level of demand.

“It’s never been the case before that all trusts have simultaneo­usly been at this level. This is due to staffing shortages. This excessive strain on the workforce is also triggering high levels of staff sickness.”

In response to the backlash, ambulance services around the country have been forced to take extra measures to protect their workers over the past two years – culminatin­g in the rollout in July of bodycams for paramedics and CCTV within ambulances to record incidents.

EMAS lead security management specialist George Reid said: “Assaults on our staff are absolutely unacceptab­le and we take a zero-tolerance approach towards anyone who verbally or physically assaults them.

“We will continue to support any of our colleagues who are assaulted on the frontline while trying to help others and to work with the police and the Crown Prosecutio­n Service to pursue those who abuse our colleagues.

“The cameras are there to help protect our colleagues when responding to patients by acting as a deterrent.

“However, in the event that a staff member experience­s violence or aggression, we will have footage of the incident to assist in securing a successful prosecutio­n of the offender.”

Thankfully the officer attacked in Hockley last month was not seriously harmed – physically at least.

But as horrifying incidents such as the killing of PC Andrew Harper in 2019 tragically proved, the cost of protecting the public can be far higher.

With the UK heading for what looks like yet more lockdown measures – whatever “Plan C” entails – once again, it might well be frontline public service workers who bear the brunt of the pressure.

In the spirit of the “Clap for Carers” gesture that swept the nation at the start of the pandemic, greater public awareness for what blue lights responders have to go through every day, and more respect, is what the people who run those services are asking for from a public they are dedicated to protect.

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 ?? NOTTINGHAM­SHIRE POLICE ?? A police officer on patrol in Nottingham city centre last week
NOTTINGHAM­SHIRE POLICE A police officer on patrol in Nottingham city centre last week

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