Nottingham Post

Man ‘just wanted to die’ after being told of wait for surgery


- By OLIMPIA ZAGNAT @Olimpiazag­nat

A MAN has told of his agony after a three-year battle to secure a date for his surgery.

Gareth Hind spoke about the pain he has lived with for five years since being diagnosed with a bowel condition called diverticul­ar disease.

The 40-year-old, from Chilwell, who formerly worked at a petrol station, said he passed out at work before being taken by ambulance to hospital.

He had his first surgery in April 2017 at the Queen’s Medical Centre, where he underwent a colostomy.

Mr Hind claims he then had the operation reversed in September 2018 at Nottingham City Hospital following medical advice.

“I was in pain, and I was told that the situation would improve in a few weeks,” he added.

“But it never stopped since. I am bleeding constantly and I am in pain every day.”

He said he insisted on have the procedure reinverted due to the unbearable pain he was in.

Mr Hind added: “I chased and asked many doctors – but no-one wanted to operate on me. I finally managed a slot for the surgery in March 2020.”

Unfortunat­ely, this was right when the pandemic hit the medical services and rest of the world, prolonging his agony.

He added: “At that moment, I obviously understood the situation.

“It was not just my surgery that got delayed.”

As time went on, he said his situation became worse and saw him having over 20 blood transfusio­ns, he claims.

“I lost so much blood that I do not even know if I will be able to go through another surgery,” he added.

“I am only 40 – but I am feeling much older.”

Mr Hind, who lives with his partner who is also his carer, added: “I cannot have children, and I only had this dog that was like my child.

“My dog passed away in March 2020, and then my mum who had cancer passed away in May 2021. It just all adds up.”

Most recently, he received an update on his long-awaited operation – and was told that he will have to wait for more than 50 others to have their surgery before he can have his.

He added: “I talked to the hospital in November, and I just could not believe it.

“I have been in major pain for years – I just wanted to die after they told me that.

“I am on pain medicine and morphine – and in constant pain 24/7.”

An NUH spokespers­on said: “We are very sorry that this is the case and do not underestim­ate the impact the delay will have on Mr Hind.

“We are working very hard to take care of all our patients and to prioritise those needing surgery.

“We have a significan­t backlog of patients who have been unable to have their surgery over the last 18 months due to the pandemic, and we are working with those patients to get them in as soon as possible.”

I lost so much blood that I do not even know if I will be able to go through another surgery Gareth Hind

 ?? ?? Gareth Hind says he has been in pain “every day” since having a colostomy reversed in 2018
Gareth Hind says he has been in pain “every day” since having a colostomy reversed in 2018

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