Nottingham Post

Brexit will destroy UK farming industry


IN March 2020 senior advisor to Rishi Sunak Dr Tim Leunig said: “The food sector isn’t critically important to the UK, and the agricultur­e and fish production certainly isn’t.”

We now see the result of this ideologica­l free market policy.

The Food and Drink Federation has reported that exports to the EU had fallen by 24 percent in the first nine months of 2021 compared with the same period in 2019, prior to the pandemic and Brexit, with beef and cheese being particular­ly hit.

They highlight the effects of trade barriers following the Brexit agreement. The fishing industry has also suffered from the Brexit deal which for their sector they described as “miniscule, marginal, paltry, pathetic”.

The strict immigratio­n policy has left the farming and food processing industry with a critical shortage of labour. Fruit and vegetables have been left to rot in the fields, the latest example being the daffodil harvest where as much as 80 percent may be lost. The shortage of butchers no longer allowed to work here from the EU, has already led to over 30,000 pigs being tragically culled and disposed of.

The chair of the Environmen­t, Food and Rural Affairs Select Committee, Tory MP and part-time farmer Neil Parish, has said: “We are seeing our industry slowly being destroyed.”

The trade deal with Australia was announced the day after the North Shropshire by-election, obviously so as not to lose more votes in the rural constituen­cy. The NFU has already said that the deal “will jeopardise our own farming industry and could cause the demise of many, many beef and sheep farms throughout the UK”.

This has been confirmed by the Department for Internatio­nal Trade’s own assessment of the deal, which warned that the agricultur­e sector is “ contract” due to the deal.

This is happening when we are likely to be importing meat with growth hormones and antibiotic­s, and produce with pesticides not allowed here. Environmen­tally it cannot be sustainabl­e to import produce from 10,000 miles away when higher-standard produce is available locally, and in doing so we destroy our own industry. Sadly, we can only conclude that the farming sector is being sacrificed to a combinatio­n of ideologica­l free trade policies, disregard and simply sheer incompeten­ce. Mike Baldwin


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