Nottingham Post

Kindhearte­d cops made sure homeless boy had presents to unwrap on Christmas Day


- By ELLIE DANEMANN @Elliedanem­ann1

A 12-year-old boy who was homeless turned up at a police station with only a black bin bag to his name.

But then something wonderful happened.

Police officers joined together to buy Christmas presents for the boy who was left with nothing.

Officers raised £130 for the boy to have presents to open on Christmas Day.

Nottingham­shire Police officers went out and bought him a selection of presents including a football kit, golf putting set, a jumper and toiletries.

Gifts were also been donated by officers alongside the money raised.

The youngster, who spent a few hours at the station a few weeks ago, is now in a foster home and was presented with wrapped gifts last Wednesday in time for the big day.

After spending time with the boy, officers all pitched in with money from their own pockets to make sure he knew that he was deserving of presents and to make him smile.

Constable Megan Barnard, of Nottingham­shire Police, said: “As officers it’s sometimes very easy to forget about an incident as we have to move so quickly onto the next and sometimes that’s the only way we can cope with what we see and deal with.

“But this case has really stuck with a lot of officers and especially myself after hearing his heartbreak­ing story.

“With it being Christmas and knowing how tough the holidays can be for people sometimes after going through something like this, and being left with nothing, we decided to try and raise some money to make sure he had something to open on Christmas Day.

“It’s amazing to see officers coming together and raising all this money so we could make him smile and gift him things he both needed and wanted.

“I was touched by the amazing response we received from members of the policing family from department­s and the team and other teams who had no direct link to this young man but who felt touched by his story.

“We want to show him that the experience­s he’s seen and been through so far in his life shouldn’t dictate who he is as a person and he can overcome them with the support of those around him.

“Being a police officer isn’t just about arresting people and catching criminals – it’s about more than that and situations like this show that we are human beings and are there to support anyone who needs us.

“It’s really lovely to see him doing so well in a new home and being looked after.

“This is a case that will stay with a lot of officers for a long time and it’s amazing to see us all coming together to help him celebrate Christmas.”

Councillor David Mellen, leader of Nottingham City Council, said: “This is a heart-warming story showing the true spirit of Christmas is very much alive, where people are helping others less fortunate than themselves.

“Our wonderful family of foster carers display this incredible compassion every day, welcoming children and young people into their homes, including in emergency situations like this.

“A young boy was now thankfully able to spend Christmas enjoying the kindness of the police officers and the security of a loving home.”

 ?? ?? Presents bought and donated for the homeless boy, who is now in foster care
Presents bought and donated for the homeless boy, who is now in foster care

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