Nottingham Post

Think of others as you enjoy yourselves


WHAT a year we have had in 2021. And it was supposed to be better than the lockdown year of 2020!

I was going to list out the main events, but too many, far too many.

Going forward we have the new variant of Covid that by all accounts is milder than the horrendous experience­s that we have had up to now. But still a threat. Get jabbed. Get all the protection you can.

People in hospital, largely youngsters who have not been vaccinated despite all the warnings, asking the staff to vaccinate them now that they are in a hospital bed! Perhaps too late. On the bus today only about half

the passengers were wearing masks and not being challenged by the drivers (so I am being told).

Keeping cheerful is the name of the game. Being glad to be alive and thanking God, or whatever your preference is, for still being here on Planet Earth. How can we make the best of the future, however long or short the time left to us?

Take each day and week as it comes. Maximise your opportunit­ies. Live each day to the full. Try to look out for others even though they may not do the same for you. Or appear to care. Remember that one day we will need the services of a care home and NHS staff members that work so tirelessly on our behalf. It’s easy to take such people for granted.

For it is not how long we have to live, but whether we feel alive at all. Do not pass by on the other side if someone needs your help. It is so easy to do.

I hope you enjoyed your Christmas. Enjoy the New Year. But remember those neighbours of yours who are on their own. When did you last knock on their door and say hello? Or, as you pass them by, thinking of your own problems only.

Go Well and take care. Happy Christmas and New Year!

Brian George Nottingham

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