Nottingham Post

Huge impact of drink, drugs and bad driving


WITH hospitals having to struggle with reduced staffing due to the effects of the Omicron mutation, how much more pressure on their resources will be impacted by those worse for the wear of drunkennes­s and alcohol abuse?

Excessive consumptio­n of alcohol brings a wide spectrum of problems, ranging from road accidents to violence and abuse, not to mention sexual abuse and rape.

Only recently the BBC announced that 612 people had died as result of alcohol.

One has to ask whether alcohol abuse impacts on those who currently have mental health issues, on top those who seek solutions from the bottle.

How many innocent people will die as a result of those who are intoxicate­d with either drink or drugs?

One must ask whether we have a problem on our roads already when one sees the state of the driving and the condition of its drivers and their vehicles. With the recent spell of bad weather and fog, along with nights drawing in earlier, how many readers see cars being driven with no lights or not or lights not working, with some showing the effects of either drink or drugs.

While waiting for the traffic lights to change, I observed a driver nodding off at the wheel. When I tried to make him aware of the change in the lights, the driver appeared lost as to what to do next. But what has happened to the police who monitored the traffic, to charge those driving while using a mobile or having a vehicle not fit for the road, along with excessive alcohol levels, putting their passengers, pedestrian­s and other road users at risk? Now we have the joy of those under the influence while using an e-scooter on the footpaths to contend with... Tony Morris


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