Nottingham Post

What’s lying beneath the ruins of the Broadmarsh?


- By JOSEPH LOCKER @joelocker9­6

AS demolition continues on one side of the former Broadmarsh Centre in Nottingham, archaeolog­ists have been planning how best to respect the historic site – and city archaeolog­ist Scott Lomax has been predicting what could lie beneath the ruins.

In 2020, intu, then owner of the Broadmarsh Centre, collapsed into administra­tion.

Its plans to regenerate the 1970s centre were left in tatters and Nottingham was left with nothing more than a half-demolished wreckage.

While a new vision has since been thought up by some of the UK’S most creative minds, including urban designer Thomas Heatherwic­k, it is well worth travelling back in time to look into what exactly stood on the Greater Broad Marsh area before its more contempora­ry makeover.

This is important, particular­ly for planners, because the site is of huge archaeolog­ical importance and must therefore be respected as such.

The Broadmarsh Centre occupied a large part of the Broad Marsh, or Great Marsh as it was also known during the medieval period, city archaeolog­ist Scott Lomax says.

On the site once stood the Greyfriars’ Friary, founded in the mid-13th century, and it was positioned close to the end of Lister Gate, where Boots was situated before its closure.

The friary had “an extensive precinct” which extended almost as far as the River Leen, which once ran along an area next to the former Narrow Marsh slums, where Canal Street is today.

And the friary was complement­ed by a large burial ground, remains from which may lie still beneath the site.

Mr Lomax says: “It had an extensive associated burial ground, the full extent of which is unknown.

“Other land within the Broad Marsh was used for the grazing of animals, as well as waste disposal, and there were also a small number of dwellings.

“Following the dissolutio­n of the friary in the 16th century, much of the area became gardens and it was only extensivel­y developed in relatively modern times, largely in the 19th century, with the constructi­on of large numbers of houses, a workhouse and the Collins Hospital.

“In the 1830s a second burial ground, associated with St Peter’s Church, was created within the footprint of the shopping centre and this was in use for around 50 years.

“Despite the clearance of buildings in the 1960s, and the constructi­on of the shopping centre in the early 1970s, there is the certainty of significan­t archaeolog­ical remains.

“I would expect structural remains associated with the friary to still exist, along with human remains from the medieval and 19th-century burial grounds.

“There is also the potential for evidence of industrial activity, such as medieval tanning, as well as 18thcentur­y lead working. I would also expect there to be remains of Second World War air raid shelters, with very substantia­l trench shelters having once covered a large amount of the footprint of the shopping centre.”

Currently, Nottingham City Council has enough funding to demolish the western side of the shopping centre, where the new “Lister Square” has been proposed.

The council obtained ownership of the site upon intu’s collapse.

Lister Square would feature an oak tree from Sherwood Forest alongside a general rewilding to make it greener, while the Maid Marian Way area could feature new homes with views of Castle Rock.

The eastern side, however, still needs funding.

A bid to the Government’s levelling-up initiative failed, but the council hopes its recently unveiled vision will help land the cash next year.

Mr Lomax says it will be important the archaeolog­ical remains on the site are respected, particular­ly the city’s cave network.

It has been proposed a brand-new cave entrance will be developed to showcase the city’s intriguing undergroun­d secrets to all those who visit.

Speaking of the demolition, Mr Lomax emphasised it will be a “challenge”. “Archaeolog­ical remains, particular­ly those of medieval date, will be deeply buried up to a depth of 5m below ground level in some areas,” he adds. “Towards the northern side of the shopping centre the remains will be buried at a shallower depth but may consequent­ly not be as well preserved. There will be a requiremen­t to ensure that archaeolog­ical remains that will be impacted by developmen­t are fully investigat­ed through excavation.

“This is common practice for all developmen­ts, in line with local planning policy and the National Planning Policy Framework. Human remains are preserved in the ground except where they will be impacted by developmen­t, in which case they are carefully exhumed and eventually reburied in accordance with legislatio­n.

“I have had lots of discussion­s, with colleagues and outside organisati­ons such as Historic England, regarding archaeolog­ical requiremen­ts. The high water table in this area of the city, with much of the shopping centre having been built on land which was historical­ly marshland, adjacent to a river, will be a challenge but experience from previous work within the shopping centre, and other sites in the city, shows that this can be achieved.

“Despite the complexity of the archaeolog­ical remains, and the likely depth of some of those remains, the archaeolog­ical work will be an opportunit­y to greatly enhance our understand­ing of a medieval religious institutio­n, medieval and post-medieval industry, and to develop a greater understand­ing of aspects of everyday life during the medieval and post-medieval periods.

“Archaeolog­ical remains, with the exception of the caves, are less likely to survive towards Middle Pavement and the former route of Drury Hill.

“I have been working with colleagues within the council to ensure that archaeolog­ical remains are fully considered during all stages of work, including during below-ground works associated with the demolition.

“It is my job to ensure that these important archaeolog­ical remains are safeguarde­d to enable very significan­t remains to be preserved insitu and to enable remains to be investigat­ed through excavation and recorded for the benefit of the public.”

It had an extensive associated burial ground, the full extent of which is unknown Scott Lomax

 ?? ?? An excavator pulls down the walls of the Broadmarsh Centre and, inset, city archaeolog­ist Scott Lomax
An excavator pulls down the walls of the Broadmarsh Centre and, inset, city archaeolog­ist Scott Lomax

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