Nottingham Post

City centre no longer a place for older folk


WITH more and more student accommodat­ion being built to accommodat­e the number of students attending the two universiti­es, one wonders whether the city is accommodat­ing their specific needs and no others.

Will this agenda lead to the demise of the city centre as a place to shop and socialise for those other than youth and students?

Already a lot of people are not willing to venture into the city because of the constant stabbings. Do we, the older generation, need to relinquish the city centre for retail parks on the outskirts of the city?

I am aware that some are even frightened to enter the city during the daylight. Some prefer to watch the matinees or daylight showings of films, shows and plays and be back home before the evening hour falls.

A recent visit to the city dampened my enthusiasm further. I was lucky enough to meet two very drunk men making fools of themselves and at times being misogynist­ic. Should the men have approached my partner on the bus, I may have been arrested for assault. It is certainly evident that Neandertha­l man still lives and thrives in Nottingham.

I am proud of the actions to highlight this disgusting, unnecessar­y and outdated behaviour. One has to ask whether it is the abuse of alcohol and drugs – or both – fuelling misogynist­ic behaviour in the city. When are certain men going to stop treating women as objects of abuse, both physically and emotionall­y? Such things as showing respect, dignity and courtesy seem to have gone out of the window as well.

Tony Morris Carlton

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