Nottingham Post

Are we really fighting racism the right way?


WHEN is the line going to be drawn concerning racism, because equality will not have a chance to eliminate this discrimina­ting practice if certain persons continue to drag up past incidences for recognitio­n or reward?

So the board of Cricket Scotland have all resigned as a result of the report into institutio­nal racism in the past. Rather than showing them the error of their ways and addressing them, we are developing a society that does not want to interact with others unless it’s with members of the immediate family or close friends.

A lot of people are making a lot of money pushing the equality or the race card, with little or nothing to show for it, apart from a few surveys and the ever-popular boxticking exercises. Throughout my social, working and sporting years I have always shown respect and challenged when someone has been discrimina­ting against a person with a distinct colour to me, as irrespecti­ve of their colour, gender, or beliefs they are equal to me, so I show respect and respect will be returned.

In reality I have say that equality will never become 100 percent complete, as some individual­s will still have different agendas or views, and some say the dust needs to settle to allow its absorption of one’s views, actions, or prejudices and to apply reflection.

Although I have never been deemed a racist, being constantly tarred with the label must be causing an unwelcome reaction when being labelled something you are not.

I hope that some will stop deeming that a particular colour, gender, or their beliefs are the characteri­stics to commit crime. Everyone can commit crime – crime does not have any barriers for it to happen. My policy has always been to be nice and pleasant to everyone one meets – if they choose not to be pleasant then put it down as one associate or friend less in this world to interact or converse with.

One must ask whether the racism and labels attached to Cricket Scotland will ever alleviate the problem and what is to say that it does not go undergroun­d

Tony Morris


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