Nottingham Post

Pervert had cartoon images of children

- By REBECCA SHERDLEY @Becsherdle­y

A PERVERT who had hundreds of illegal indecent cartoon images of children insisted he was not a danger to youngsters, a court heard.

Police raided the home of Stephen Woolley and recovered an iphone and external hard disk drive. Nottingham Crown Court heard yesterday that a total of 235 images were found – and most of them were prohibited indecent cartoon images of children.

One Category A indecent photo (the most serious level) of a child was found, one of Category B and four in Category C. Woolley, 45, of Debdale Lane, Mansfield, pleaded guilty to downloadin­g indecent images of children and possession of prohibited images.

Woolley, who had been single for a long time, said he was attracted to girls aged under 18 – not in real life but in online images.

“He described where the photos were stored on the devices,” said David Allan, prosecutin­g. “He said he stored images of children up to 15 years upwards. In fact, they were younger than that.

“He said he was ‘not a danger to children’”.

Recorder Michael Auty QC sentenced him to a two-year community order and ordered the forfeiture and destructio­n of the iphone and hard drive.

He told Woolley: “I am told by your learned counsel that you are thoroughly ashamed of your behaviour. So you should be.

“Somewhere out there, they are children of people, beloved children. It is appalling they should fall prey to such degradatio­n and humiliatin­g behaviour.”

Woolley will be supervised by the probation service for two years, must go on a course to address his actions, sign the sex offenders’ register and be on a sexual harm prevention order for five years.

 ?? ?? Nottingham Crown Court
Nottingham Crown Court

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