Nottingham Post



“We have left behind the era when many people almost automatica­lly identified as Christian.”

The Archbishop of York, Stephen Cottrell, reacts to new census data showing for the first time that less than half of people in England and Wales identify as Christians “(I) just collapse, sort of Tommy Cooper-style, right then with a big laugh that goes with it and a round of applause, because people think, ‘Oh, she’s doing a joke’. Then there’d be a bit of an awkward silence and then one of my lovely crew would come and just drag me off, unceremoni­ously.”

Comedian Dawn French on how she

would “quite like” to die on stage “I stopped watching the Housewives when my life had its own level of drama that I stopped craving.”

The Duchess of Sussex says she stopped watching the reality series Real Housewives when her life had its “own level of drama”

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