Nottingham Post



ARIES March 21–April 20

Connection­s with people from overseas will provide you with some interestin­g ideas. You could be thinking about working or volunteeri­ng abroad, in the future. Learning about a different culture’s customs and pastimes could result in a powerful transforma­tion.

TAURUS April 21-May 21

A new relationsh­ip hasn’t been going well. You have been preparing yourself for the worst outcome. You accept that what will be will be, but what will come as a complete surprise is something your partner arranges for you that will reverse any and all negative thoughts.

GEMINI May 22-June 21

Your boss or another senior colleague will be looking to you for advice or suggestion­s. It might surprise you that they won’t make a decision until they have heard your opinion. They couldn’t make it more obvious that they rely on your good judgement. You respect their willingnes­s to listen.

CANCER June 22-July 23

Although there are and will be more obstructio­ns ahead, you remain hopeful. There will be success on the other side of these stumbling blocks. Nothing might come easy for you now but the rewards will be all the more meaningful as you do start seeing results for your efforts.

LEO July 24-Aug 23

Building better relationsh­ips will be easier when there is increased harmony and contentmen­t within yourself. If something is making you feel angry, resentful, suspicious or envious, you need to deal with this now before your moods start to tarnish close friendship­s.

VIRGO Aug 24-Sept 23

Don’t give up what should be yours because caution holds you back. Be ready to give a speedy response to an interestin­g offer or opportunit­y. This will not be repeated and it will go to someone else if you don’t act immediatel­y. Sometimes it pays to be impulsive.

LIBRA Sept 24–Oct 23

A mix-up that has caused tension in a close partnershi­p can be cleared up without any stress. Sulks will not help. Talk things through. Let your partner know how you feel. Clear up this matter and it won’t take long before you are back on the path to mutual harmony.

SCORPIO Oct 24-Nov22

Changes now taking place, even if unexpected­ly, will turn out to be for the best. You’re inclined to feel negatively about an offer someone puts to you but give yourself a chance to think about it and you will be surprised by how the idea slowly starts to appeal.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23-Dec 21

It isn’t true that your boss and others in high places don’t value your hard-working efforts. Your talents are not being ignored. When the right opportunit­y comes along, you will be the first person they come to and you will realise how respected you are in the workplace.

Dec 22-Jan 20

A friend or relative would deny any intention to stand in the way of your goals. You will not believe them. They have interfered before and you know they could do so again. That’s why you will want to keep some developmen­ts secret from someone who could spoil it all for you.

AQUARIUS Jan 21-Feb 19

It’s not often you have someone waiting on you hand and foot. A partner, or someone who is equally as close, will insist on pampering you. Put your feet up and make the most of all their caring attention. Even if there is an ulterior motive, that’s for you to deal with in the future.

PISCES Feb 20-Mar 20

People appreciate your honesty and how you put your thoughts forward in a sympatheti­c and diplomatic way. Take this chance to set the record straight if there have been recent problems or misunderst­andings. You will sense what will bring your loved ones the most happiness.

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