Nottingham Post

Blocks of cocaine and heroin discovered in car



POLICE in Nottingham found a kilo of high-purity cocaine and a kilo of heroin stashed in a car in Basford when they arrested two drug dealers.

Nottingham Crown Court heard how officers took a key from Dijon Brown which had been handed to him by co-defendant Rayon Graham when both men were stopped in a blue Volkswagen Golf in July last year.

That key opened the doors to another car which was parked in Mandalay Street and which contained the two blocks of highlyaddi­ctive and highly-profitable powders.

And at the time of the arrests Graham was on bail for an earlier and similar offence when police found another kilo of cocaine in an outbuildin­g at his home address in Bestwood.

Jailing Graham for 10 years and nine months and Brown for five years, Judge Stuart Rafferty said: “Both of you, not for the first time, have found yourselves before the court for traffickin­g class A drugs; drugs that do not benefit anybody and drugs that, in fact, destroy lives and lead to further criminalit­y.

“The only people they benefit are those who make it their business to make money from it. That money is made without a single thought for the damage, destructio­n and misery to the people that use them, their families and society as a whole.

“You, Mr Graham, have become a career criminal in relation to drugs and you know and I know you can stop if you want. But you do not, you are prepared to take the risks.

“Two kilogramme­s were found in that car – one of heroin and one of cocaine – and also there was enough cutting agent to make at least three or four times that.”

Kat Shields, prosecutin­g, said police searched Graham’s property in Raymede Drive, on August 6, 2020. In an outbuildin­g at the rear were three blocks of 60% pure cocaine totalling just over 1kg.

The prosecutor said while he was on bail for that, the 2023 offences were committed with Brown when a blue Volkswagen they were travelling in was stopped on July 4. Miss Shields said: “A car key was recovered and that led officers to a stashed car in Mandalay Street which contained a significan­t amount of class A drugs. The cocaine was 82% purity which indicates it was close to the source as it had not yet been cut.”

Graham, 38, pleaded guilty to possession with intent to supply class A drugs and possession of criminal property. Of his 11 previous conviction­s for 43 offences, at least two are for dealing in class A drugs, Miss Shields said.

Bob Sastry, mitigating, said his client has a partner and a child who has been diagnosed with autism. He said: “He fully accepts being a third striker (for drug supply) because of this conviction.

“I accept this is significan­t criminalit­y, he played a significan­t role and a large amount of cocaine and heroin was involved. But there was no lavish lifestyle, no designer clothes or foreign travel. Mr Graham was being directed by others.” Brown, 23, of HMP Nottingham, was found guilty after trial of possession with intent to supply two types of class A drugs. He has five conviction­s for six offences including one for drugs. Matthew Pardoe, mitigating, said: “He was in care from the age of 10 to 16, he has no contact with his father and limited contact with his mother and was put in supported accommodat­ion from the age of 17 and that’s when he became involved in the supply of drugs.”

Money is made without a single thought for the damage, destructio­n and misery caused.

Judge Stuart Rafferty

 ?? ?? Rayon Graham, left, and Dijon Brown
Rayon Graham, left, and Dijon Brown

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