Nottingham Post

Time for the Tories to show more respect


ONE of the main reasons I gave up on the right wing of the British political spectrum in recent years is not just because of the tagging and bad publicity that comes with it, but also because of the far better respect I feel I should have for others.

For example, what right have I to look down on somebody else just because they want a better life for themselves and their family?

What right have I to judge somebody just because of their faith, gender, sexuality, or identity?

This can’t go on any longer. We must respect each other and it’s about time our Prime Minister led the way before Sir Keir Starmer beats him to it.

For way too long Lee Anderson has been a loose cannon in the Conservati­ve Party and allowed to get away with so many insults towards others.

His latest episode came when he said that the London Mayor Sadiq Khan had “given our capital city away” to Islamists “who are his mates” (GB News, February 23).

Anderson went on: “Islamists have got control of Khan and they have got control of London.”

Thankfully, Labour’s Wes Streeting quickly responded by pointing out my exact point, which is that such behaviour is both divisive and dangerous, that the Conservati­ve Party had now gone beyond the dog-whistle playbook and instead, thanks to Lee Anderson and allies like Suella Braverman, moved further towards outright racism, demonisati­on and Islamophob­ia instead.

So if there are people left in the Conservati­ve Party or have in the past been a lifelong Tory like me and you feel the same, then take the big step I have and give Sir Keir Starmer and his great team led by Wes Streeting and the highly respected Sadiq Khan a chance to make our country and its culture change for the better.

Geoffrey Brooking

 ?? ?? Tony Morris finds it a grim experience to visit Nottingham city centre
Tony Morris finds it a grim experience to visit Nottingham city centre

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