Nottingham Post

‘Red mist’ led hammer-wielding motorist to court


A NOTTINGHAM­SHIRE fatherof-two brandished a hammer during a road rage incident.

Nottingham Crown Court heard how Brackan Kirk also kicked the victim’s car after following it when the driver made a hand gesture after the defendant cut in front of him.

The 29-year-old mechanic, who has previous conviction­s, then grabbed and pulled at the arm of a police officer who arrived to arrest him.

Now he has to stay out of trouble for 18 months or risk being jailed.

Imposing a 14-month prison term, suspended for 18 months, Judge Mark Watson said: “It seems to me, Mr Kirk, that you have a problem with anger and until that is resolved you are going to put yourself at risk of coming to court more frequently and that will put your family at risk. I have to deal with you for what is termed a ‘road rage’ incident.

“You were following a car and he (the driver) made a gesture and with good reason it seems as you cut a corner and into the car’s path. You then followed that car, got in front of it and then stopped it in its tracks.

“You then got out of your car, tried to open its door and then threw a punch towards the driver but that did not connect. You then kicked the car, returned to yours, but things did not end there because the red mist continued.

“You produced a hammer and raised it above your head and the car reversed to get away from you. The anger then continued when you were arrested when an officer, having received a report, arrived at the roadside and you grabbed his arm, squeezed and pulled it.”

Adam Pearson, prosecutin­g, said the incident happened in the Retford area in April 2022. Kirk, of Windy Ridge, Warsop, pleaded guilty to threatenin­g a person with an offensive weapon and assault of an emergency worker.

Successful­ly arguing that her client’s prison term could be suspended, Kirk’s barrister Katherine White said he had two young children, one of whom was going through assessment­s for autism.

She said at the time the defendant was suffering with depression and was working 75 hours a week.

“He is a different person now and this acted as a catalyst for him needing to change his ways. He is the sole mechanic for his employer and if he is sent to custody and loses his licence he will lose his employment which his family relies on.”

The judge also ordered Kirk to attend 30 rehabilita­tion sessions and to pay £500 towards prosecutio­n costs.

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