Nottingham Post

How to appeal if you are unhappy with the offer


THOUSANDS of parents across Nottingham­shire are beginning to discover which schools their children are being offered for the upcoming academic year.

Although the majority are set to receive an offer for one of their preferred schools, many may make the decision to lodge an appeal.

For those who have applied to academies, the academy trust usually has its own admissions and appeals process. For those who have applied to state schools, an appeal can be lodged against those who have refused a place by contacting the relevant council.

Nottingham­shire County Council is in charge of admissions and appeals for all state schools outside the Nottingham city boundary, within which the city council handles admissions and appeals. Although largely confined to state schools, both councils handle the admissions and appeals process for certain academies and voluntary aided schools.

Below is everything you need to know about the admissions process in Nottingham­shire and Nottingham this year.


Those appealing to Nottingham­shire County Council can attend their hearing via a video call or in person at County Hall in West Bridgford. The appeals process is run by a team within the council who are independen­t of the admissions department.

The appeal will be heard by a panel of three members and their decision is final. People can still appeal after accepting their offer, with the county council advising parents and carers that a school place for their child should be secured before an appeal is lodged.

Primary school offers are due to have been made by April 16, meaning appeals should have been lodged by May 15 and heard by July 17. For secondary schools, appeals should be lodged by April 15 and heard by June 18. Appeals received after the above dates will still be heard by the same deadlines if possible and if not, they will be heard within 30 school days.


Nottingham City Council’s appeals process is also handled by a team independen­t of the admissions department. The exact deadline to return a completed appeal form is usually 28 school days from the date of the decision letter.

For secondary schools, appeals should be lodged by April 1 and heard by June 12. For primary schools, appeals should be lodged by May 15 and heard by July 17.

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